What's Missing From Manifestation

As the landmark New Year of the "New Age" has arrived, I am inspired to share what I believe is missing from manifestation. What is the power? Where does it come from? So many of us have read The Secret, Ask And It Is Given and the Catherine Ponder series, and many more volumes designed to help us manifest our desires. Why are manifestors coming up short? And why do some manifest miracles? Below are a few principles I believe are key to manifestation and creating our desires. 

Co-Creating With A Higher Power
Calling in a higher power brings our desires to a deeper level and more than likely, has us seeing what we want to create from a higher  perspective. Manifesting money and resources at it's core, may express as wanting more freedom to live a richer and fuller life, making a living at your life purpose, so that you can help others have creative and fulfilling lives. It may be to have the overflow to gift those around you, or create a foundation to help families and children in war torn countries, or animals. Even if it's wanting a new car or a new house, your higher power however you choose to see it or call it....the Universe, God, Goddess, wants you to be happy and taken care of. 

Co-create with a higher power by having a spiritual practice. It could be yoga, meditation, master-minding or going to church regularly. The method matters less than the content. Our goals and dreams get bigger and life-changing not only for ourselves, but for others when we co- create with Spirit.

Acknowledge What Stands Between You And Our Goals
Post affirmations around the house, on your mirrors or on vision boards till the cows come home that you'll lose 20 pounds by 2013. If you're not aware of the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that keep you from a achieving your goals they more than likely will not happen. If you've stopped the doctor recommended exercise program and are eating a dozen cookies and a gallon tub of ice cream every night, you will not lose weight. Notice I said a dozen cookies and a gallon of ice cream. Healthier choices, not deprivation supports weight loss. Reading more affirmations and not addressing the behaviors and action steps, doesn't get you lean and healthy. Declaring "I have all the resources I need to be successful", over the belief I have to have a college degree to really make it, stands in between you and your success. A quote I love from A Course In Miracles says "You must look upon your illusions and not keep them hidden because they do not rest on their own foundations." Become aware of what is lurking beneath what you desire, to release and make room for a brand new set thoughts, behaviors and beliefs.

Believing It To Be So
Chances are if you've been trying to lose weight for many years, it is an emotionally charged issue with lots of "story"  behind it as to why it hasn't happened. Perhaps you've lost weight and gained it back so many times a part of you has just given up. This brings us back to affirmations. Declaring intentions over resignation, defeat and disbelief keeps us out of the creative, present, clear and open space needed for manifestation. Thinking that everyone in your family has weight issues is why you have them has become a belief system. You might believe because you been on a roller coaster ride and haven't ever been able to maintain a healthy weight, that you won't ever be able to do it. We must believe we can do it! If you are having a hard time believing you can, look at a place in your life where you've been successful. Say to yourself because I created that awesome system at work, I can lose weight. I was successful at "______" so I can do it! I've made changes in the past. Begin to have a different conversation with yourself. Still having a hard time believing it to can be so? Pick other people whom you admire and affirm, if they can do it I can. Or enlist a friend in supporting you in reaching your goals.

Use The "F" Word Often 
Forgive yourself for where you think you should be by now, or what you believe you should've already accomplished. Beating yourself up about what hasn't happened yet, keeps you in the past, making it really easy to just give up and choose sabotaging behaviors that keep you from your goals. Imagine how you would support a friend or your child if they were trying to reach their goals. Would you beat them up and shut them down? Be kind, loving and forgiving towards yourself.

Be Present And Let Go
You've brought in your higher power, become conscious of what's in between you and your goals, you believe it can happen and you've forgiven yourself. Now it's time to let go! This is such an important step! Be here now and grateful for all that you have. Enjoy life. Know the Universe has your back. I love this quote, "The Universe is conspiring on your behalf." Have fun! Find ways to be delighted about life and you'll soon see evidence of your manifestations.


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