The Power of Possibility Hookup.
As a reader of my blog you know I've been all about the huge
change we just went through. Everybody's talking about it. It's effects will now ripple and trickle down. Grab on and hookup!
Oracle Card #1~A New Dawn
It's really true! Yes! The new feeling you have about your life is for real. The possibilities abound and are endless. The sky has cleared and the clouds you see above, that come and go are signposts of your angels, goddesses, animals, mythological beings, ascended masters, your spiritual guides and all manner of light beings ready to assist you. And today, at this time, it feels like you can really do it.
Oracle Card #2~Yes-What will you do with the ideas falling like springtime flower petals?
Will you bring them to life? You have already begun, I know because it's easier. Delight in your work and be an instrument of it. Re-frame struggling to focused effort. In my Taurus New Moon Eclipse Oracle Card Reading I gave tips on how to work smart, feel good and gets things done. The sense you have that you can achieve and move forward is true. Follow it like a winding stream and enjoy the birds, places to rest and sunshine along the way.
Oracle Card #3~ You're Being Helped
Martyrdom is so passe and you want to shout it off rooftops. You've started to ask for help, like you help, friends etc, and encourage others to ask for help when you are overloaded. Broadcasting the "I have to do this all by myself vibe" will not feel good to your peeps, and or family and friends. If you need time to give birth to your ideas and a balanced life, declare it.
One of my favorite movies is "Talladego Nights". Will Farrell is a genius and one of my heroes. He plays the lead role, rock-star race car driver Ricky Bobby. In the movie his mother declares granny law because his kids are out of control while staying at her house. It's time to delegate and ask for help. You are not less-than or more accomplished because you do it all by yourself. Everyone needs help and should have it. You will be more than and more-accomplished if you do.
Your family, friends, babysitters, local merchants, angels, goddesses, animals, mythological beings, ascended masters, spiritual guides and all manner of light beings are valuable resources waiting in the wings. Spirit is co-creating life with you and the possibilities already exist. Focus and pray. It's so magical to see it happen.
This is a general reading. If you wish to have a detailed and in-depth reading schedule a session with me here. The issues at the forefront of your life will automatically present themselves in an intuitive session and what you most need to know and take action on. Expect to be scheduled for a session within 1-3 weeks upon booking.
Have a great week!
Xo, Your Virgo Goddess
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