☽✩☾Weekly Oracle Card Reading October 6th - 12th☽✩☾ www.tatianascavnicky.com

We begin the week with intense energy ripe with possibility but also a bit of chaos. Seek harmony alongside this great balls of fire change-making energy. The Aries Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse falls on Wednesday Oct. 8th. Expect the activation of your mission! The colors of this reading are rich cherry reds, all shades of pink and purple. These colors represent healing energy of the heart present at this time for you, if you wish to receive and allow it. Red is the color of Mars, Aries ruling planet. The blue in magenta symbolizes balancing healing, harmony and fire.

Oracle Card #1 ~ Eternity
The magenta colored energy flowering in this beautiful card symbolizes great healing. Surround yourself in this color during meditation for a gentle but effective healing for yourself. This rich shade of deep pink represents connection of heart and mind together. Activation of your mission is available at this time especially on Wednesday the night of the Aries Full Moon. On that night I am giving mini-readings for a group of only 9 guests. Aries is the planet of action and motivation. We'll be looking at what's ahead and the steps to take. You are super aware of how your heart must be involved in what you do. Continue to spend time with people who love and support your dreams. Stay away from naysayers. Pay attention to the naysayer in your head that tries to to talk you out of the dream pulling at you for a long time. The whisper is now a pull. You might feel this in your your gut. The swan song calls. Swans represent creativity and transformation. You don't have to know how your vision will manifest. If you aren't sure, allow the road to unfold before you and call on your SP to guide you. 

If you are not sure what your mission is check into what really lights you up. Do you love animals and feel fiercely protective of them? Have you gone vegetarian because you are uber-passionate about them? Do you love facts and figures, or math? Have you dreamed of being a party planner forever but stomp out that little voice, and little girl who threw dress-up tea parties for her friends and barbies. Everyone has a purpose and a reason for being here. If you aren't sure what your here to do, I assure you it's in you, and it reveal itself if you let it. The beautiful woman on this card has a light over her third eye. Your third eye is the eye of your soul and the seat of your intuition. The closer you are to your joy, the closer you are to your purpose. In the meantime be a beacon of light. Cultivate happiness along the way. Know you are part of a bigger plan. Relax in that and know the big "U" the Universe has your back. 

Oracle Card #2 ~ Rainbow Wings
I believe you can fly. This week is pivotal. You are no longer the same. We are always changing yes...but there is space being created within you for new, less anxious, less perfectionistic, less work-driven you. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat Pray Love" poignantly said on today's Super Soul Sunday, "Perfectionism is fear in really good shoes." OMG I had to pause the CD. As I sat there (and I still am) in my pajamas, messy hair and glasses, not-yet-brushed teeth ( I did brush my teeth) I thought yes. YES! I had 38 inches of water in my basement from the Aug. 11th flood that hit my neighborhood communities, that was finally declared a disaster, so there will be help coming. But things are still not back to normal and AngelEarth Studios is not back up yet. How I like to feel, the energy level I like to have, the schedule I like to keep is currently a disaster as well. Even though we might feel very far away from where we want to be emotionally, financially and/or spiritually, we are still on the road to where we are headed. Follow your heart, pray, believe and take action.

The white rainbow wings here represent calling on your Angels and relying heavily on your SP, your "Spiritual Posse". They also symbolize being the light. As you are the light, you bring the light and will lead others to the light. Being the light means having faith and trusting. The flower in the first card blossomed and connected to the heart. Rainbow wings are carrying what you are wanting to the light, where it can shine, manifest, inspire and heal others.

Oracle Card #3 ~ Raphael
Raphael means "healer of God". His aura color is emerald green. if you have been attracted to this color, it may be as sign that you are a healer and your gifts are needed. It's time to come out of the closet! It can also mean you are healing at this time. Raphael is showing that with great transformation the body can show symptoms and addictions. Self-abusive behaviors and patterns that you are wanting to release may be severly challenged. The day you decide to follow the message to clean up your diet and eat more fresh and healthy, a co-worker brings in homemade chocolate chip cookies. Or the evening you commit to start writing your book for an hour, a friend calls to invite you out. it happens just like that. 

Call on Raphael to help you heal and stay on track for your mission, and for making healthy choices related to your health, an always check with your doctor before starting or stopping an exercise program or changing your diet.

As always I am here for you when you need answers and support. Join me for an exciting and inspiring evening of intuitive readings via phone at the Aries Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Psychic Mixer. This event will be limited to 9 guests as everyone will have a chance to get a mini-reading with me. You'll get answers and confirmation for your current issues. You'll also receive tools and more counseling for your issues while listening to the rest of the group's readings. For more details visit this link or reserve your spot now, as this event will fill up quickly. 

Questions or comments about this week's reading? Leave a comment below and share your heart. 

*Oracles: Universal Wisdom Oracle ~ Toni Carmine Salerno

Have a stellar week!
Big Hugs,

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