☽✩☾ Virgo Full Moon March 5th 2015 ☽✩☾www.tatianascavnicky.com

It's Reinvention Time. All the luck, prosperity and pie-in-the-sky view from last month's lucky Leo moon is ready to materialize. It's ready to show up. I've chosen the Mermaid & Angel Gemstone Oracle Cards to represent Pisces water energy and Virgo's earth. 

I am a Virgo, feeling highly optimistic about the future. When a full moon is in your astrological sun sign you may feel really good and energized. The aspects may bring out a sweet hum of harmony within you...but they might be challenging you to take a look at what needs-a-changin. 

Either way my dears, this Virgo Full Moon can help you put some actions into place to reign down your lucky dream scheme. It may have hit you last month...but more than likely I am sure it's been hanging around in your heart and head for awhile. 

Virgo is all about details, organizing and finding ways to make things better. Reinvention comes from the ideas and thoughts...and then the action steps. 

We are astrologically swimming in Pisces right now so don't overwhelm yourself emotionally. You may go from feeling super creative and flowy, to being overly critical, or lost about how you can seriously find time to add anything let alone space for something wildly and refreshingly new. Find your way between the flow (Pisces) and the details of what you want to create.

What the cards say...

Stay Optimistic
The orange clouds floating above and to the left are the passion, love and desire surrounding your wishes and desires. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, the spiritual energetic nerve center of creativity, passion & sexuality sitting right below your navel. It plays out the same dynamic of water and earth, Pisces and Virgo, being grounded and able to ride the wave of circumstances. Creative and grounded.

The mermaid is on land. She's come out of the watery depths of intuitive, creative, swirling thoughts and ideas to Earth. I LOVE how the cards connect! She's picturing her vision. Creating by visualization-seeing it into being. How many times have you manifested something into being by picturing and feeling it? 

She's so close to her vision now. The path shows the way. Stay optimistic. See the details now which brings to the next card.

Angel of Clarity ~ Clear Quartz

Use the energy of this moon to get super detailed about what you want. Be CLEAR about what you want. Look at what you don't want (for releasing) to find what you do want.

Clear Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals on the planet. It represents clarity in what you want and being focused on your vision. It also keeps your energy high.

I recommend writing down your wishes and wants. Are there any buts like... I don't have time for that, or I don't have support for that or someone will be mad at me. 

Get clear about your "buts". Bring those to light during this moon for releasing. 

Take a look at thoughts like "I could never do that", or "I am too this or that". You are ALL THIS and You are ALL THAT Babycakes!

Shake off the naysayers and drama-makers in your life and make yourself important and on top of the priority list. You know what I mean. You've been wanting to make changes...changes in how you take care of yourself....little changes that are keys to a whole new life for you. 

And a huge key to manifesting for this Virgo Full Moon is clearing clutter.
*Clean your floors.
*Throw away some stuff you don't need anymore. If you haven't taken your toss-outs to Goodwill say good riddance! 
*Organize a drawer or a closet.
*Clean out your purse or briefcase and give it a good wipe down. The germs (so Virgo) crawling on them are from dirty floors.

I promise you, you will feel better. And if you need a detailed and in-depth reading about something that's going on in your life, that you need help with, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

And there is still time to look into what the rest of 2015 has in store for you. I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. 

*Oracle Cards: Doreen Virtue's Mermaid Deck& Margaret Ann Lembo's Angel Gemstone Deck

Thanks so much for being here! For sharing, liking and subscribing!

Xo Your Virgo Sun Goddess,

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  1. Rita Taddeucci RaffantiMarch 5, 2015 at 4:24 PM

    Tatiana, do you charge for readings? My birthday is December 4, 1948.

  2. HI Rita! All the info for me intuitive readings is here http://tatianascavnicky.com/book-an-intuitive-reading and www.tatianascavnicky.com XoTatiana Happy Full Moon!
