❍ ❍ ❍ AQUARIUS FULL MOON ~ BLUE MOON 2015 ❍ ❍ ❍ www.tatianascavnicky.com

Lovely Luna shined twice in a month. I was overtaken by her beauty last night on a twilight stroll. The energy was milky and strongly intuitive, and she was surrounded by a ring of yellow. This moon is all about how you will shine and make use of your gifts in a powerful way... not only for others, but for your own joy, desire, pride and empowerment. Your soul has a mission. It might even be to make the best cafe-mocha anyone has ever tasted. By all means make the mocha so that we may taste the fruit of your passion and revel in it.

☽ Wave of Power
It continues to be a time of birthing ideas and inspiration. The light of August's Leo Sun beams with opportunity, celebrity and innovation. Either you are seeing how you will make your mark, or you are allowing it to come forth within you. 

Some of you are coming out. It makes me think of Caitlyn Jenner who has come out for the whole world to see to make a point that children are being bullied and committing suicide because they feel different. She did this not only for them, but for the pure joy and freedom for herself. It's interesting that each of the mermaids here remind me of her.

Aquarius is about going against the grain...living outside of the box and making your own rules for how you will live your life. 

☽ Sanctuary
Creating sanctuary feeds new life coming forth. Create from the inside out. Your generosity breeds generosity. Kindness breeds kindness. Spoil others and prepare to be spoiled. Empower yourself and empower others. 

Don't allow the opinions of others to keep you from what you know to be deeply true for you. Aquarius energy makes it's own rules and does not follow convention. Time to reinvent yourself. Your "truth" is in alignment with what your soul craves...your core. If this sounds a bit woo-woo, just start with what is important for you, and create from there.

I have a lovely meditation I do every morning. I've created my own private beach lagoon. When I am there I am perfectly safe, secure, loved and at peace. I am kissed by the air, and soothed by the shallow ocean water. I have everything I need there. Going deep into relaxation makes us more intuitive. What's inside makes what's out there.

☽ Reflections
The symbolism of this card perfectly embodies the message of this full moon. Everything begins with how we see ourselves. It's time to let go of old disempowering beliefs and behaviors. What patterns keep you stuck? How do you sabotage yourself? Time to reframe. But please my dear so not beat yourself up. Just choose something better and take the next step. Get help if you need it and I am here for you. You deserve it beautiful.

Thanks for liking, sharing, subscribing and commenting! I'm over the moon that you came to visit!

*Oracle ~Oracle of the Mermaids Lucy Cavendish

Magically Yours,

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  1. Fabulous! Just in time for my book presentation on Monday!!

  2. How AWESOME! Let me know how it goes Goddess! XoTatiana
