★Taurus Full Moon ~ Love, Triple Goddess & The Gold of Having It All Oracle Card Reading October 27th 2015 ★

Clarence Hudson White ~ The Watcher 1806

Welcome to our 6th Super moon of 2015 and third one in a row. This earthy sensual moon will magnify full moon energy in Taurus, ruling what we love and value and in Scorpio, ruling what others love and value...your loved ones. What do I want? And what do others around me want? We also ask ourselves what am I protecting myself from in love? 

Guinevere is a Celtic triple Goddess who embodies maiden, mother & crone aspects. Guinevere is goddess of love, earth maiden goddess, and faery goddess. Her name means white shadow. Perfect for the combination available here for us to shed hidden and fearful issues around getting love and giving it. Scorpio is about death and rebirth, but lovely and sensual Taurus breathes love taking this moon up and out of Pluto's (ruled by Scorpio) black gnarly and intense depths. 

Queen Guinevere's Maying by John Collier (1900)

This moon is called the Hunter's Moon. Guinevere is sometimes called the female version of Gywn Ap Nuad, God of the hunt and otherworldly King. I LOVE when the cards reveal all these perfect intricate mystically intuitive threads. 

Guinevere ~ Maiden
She asks us to look at how far away we have become from who we were when we very young. What do we need at this time to reconnect to giving to ourselves in that way...to being in that energy...in that spirit? What were we passionate and crazy about? Who and what madly inspired us? Music. Authors. Teachers. Hobbies. Passions. Books. Subjects. Guinevere's maiden aspect is about beginnings. What seeds can we plant now to reawaken the creative and maiden within that still lives, breathes and has her being in us? What can you do creatively that you love now? It doesn't have to be exactly what you did then, it is quite possibly a new and better way. Just play and satisfy your self with what you loved to do.

 Guinevere ~ Mother
The moon calls for balance between what we love, need and desire, and what those around us need. How can we love deeply and fully, and still take great care of ourselves? What do you need right now for you that you've been putting off for the sake of others, or because it may make you look selfish. Guinevere owned the land that King Arthur wanted. She was a Lady of Court and ruled in her land. Our sensuous and lovely Taurus moon says do something luxurious for yourself. Wrap yourself in lovely fabrics, get a long massage or go on a trip with your honey or girlfriends. 

☽ Guinevere ~ Crone
This aspect says we can have it all and include a deeper spiritual activism. We can find a way to weave what we need and deeply value with others. We can give to the world as well. We can pray. We can donate money to charities, volunteer and teach that giving is a spiritual act aligning us to the infinite Greater Good. We know from experience hat we need to do. We can keep our own wise counsel and ask for it from others too, not afraid to appear bad for needing help. We can find a way to weave what we need and deeply value with others.

The Crone also cares less and less what others think about what she does. She's been on the planet for so long and seen so much, aware of the life's rhythm. She's ridden the twists and turns of life. There is web that she is part of and can influence.  

The crone teaches that beauty, desire and passion are still within us in later years. We embody all these aspects at once. If you are feeling undesirable or not-so-sexy...do something to bring that part back up and running. Think Sophia Loren or Tina Turner. That woman that you know who is a lot older but appears to be otherworldly young, having had no crazy plastic surgery is the triple aspect of the Goddess fully on and embodied. It's an energy and state of being and mind. I recommend Christiane Northrup's "Goddesses Never Age". Passion is not a number, it's energy.

This is a general reading. If you wish to have detailed and in-depth reading, schedule a session with me here or contact me about a session. The issues at the forefront of your life will automatically present themselves in an intuitive session. What you need to know and take action on will be clear. Expect to be scheduled for a session within 1-3 weeks upon booking. Please include your desired time and date, and time zone. 

Don't give up on your desires. Hunt them down like a Lioness. Make room for you and everyone else. Go for the gold.

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Happy Full Moon Beautiful Goddess,

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  1. I found a great Moss Agate necklace and earrings and decided to buy it for myself. I have been giving a lot lately and it was time to give back! :)

  2. Awesome! Good for you Linda you deserve it! XoTatiana

  3. Its my 40th birthday today ,what good can come out of this moon?

  4. Happy 40th! Be good to yourself and be sure to treat yourself during this sensuous Taurus Moon. Celebrate fully, long and luxuriously. XoTatiana
