The Lunar New Year has officially begun. 2017 is a year of potential. Love, light, instant manifestation power and leadership are it's reigning themes. In the sign of the Future, Inner-Genius, Radicalism & the Greater Good, this change-making Aqua New Moon supports artists, rebels, eccentrics, and the creator/creatress in us all.
Some famous Aquarians include Charles Darwin the creator of the "Theory of Evolution". Charles Dickens considered the "greatest" novelist of the Victorian era. Bob Marley, social-activist and creator of a totally unique Reggae music style. Virginia Woolf who says in her landmark book "A Room of One's Own", "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to create fiction." Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in his executive order on the very first day of January 1863.
There are so many more, too numerous to mention. They changed life as it was known. Through totally new and completely original eyes, a new world was born. The New Moon brings the potential of change-making for us now, personally and for the planet. Many are being called to step up and take their mission on with intention and purpose.
The Year of the Fire Red Rooster in Chinese Astrology adds blaze and intensity. We can be super-inspired and driven. Be careful to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Fire runs hot and runs out. Take time to think things through and have a plan. Take time to rest as well. Now put on your moon boots and let's fly!
☽ Reflection
Since the time of the last full moon in Cancer, we have let go of a lot. Huge insight was revealed, reflecting on coming home to ourselves and connecting to the deep and true wisdom of our heart. Hopefully you were able to spend quality time with loved ones and had moments to refresh your own self and spirit. Sister Luna opened up the gates of our hearts on deep subconscious levels and of the collective unconscious. We were creating space for what's to come.
We are able to slow down a bit more inside. A knowing is popping up in the neighborhood of our minds crossing at the vortex of Worry and Fret Streets. The knowing says moving towards being centered and grounded is the way back to a sunnier and bright part of town. Like the mother who takes her children to the park on a beautiful day to laugh and run with them, in spite of looming responsibilities, or problems, she lets herself be taken away to happiness, trusting that things will be alright.
An R stamped on this image symbolizes the need to take regular time to reflect and rest, so that we can ground what we will be taking on and living into this year. How can we hold what we intend to create and do without focus? Aquarius is like a tornado. It's windy and crazy at the top but the bottom is supported by its co-ruler Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure and responsibility. Our inspirations and ideas are the element of air. They need a place to be contained and swirl so we can make something concrete out of them.
☽ Sekhmet
Aquarius is the sign of the greater-good, and sisterhood and brotherhood. The Divine Feminine rose up in protest to political changes, a masculine move. The masculine takes action and the feminine receives and joins together. This New Moon speaks to men and women to come together. The sacred Divine Feminine does not seek to overpower the Divine Masculine. It seeks to be equal and amplify the power of Good. The Divine Masculine is balanced when it collaborates and cares for the greater good.
Sekhmet means strong and mighty. She is a protective Egyptian Sun (Fire) Goddess and connected to lions. Here is another sign of the intense and creative year ahead, the beginning of a brand new 9 Year cycle. Many are coming out, deciding it's time to move forward. It's time to make big moves. It's time to get hands dirty. We shed so much in 2015 and 2016 as the last cycle came to a close. Now we are clean and literally brand new.
If you are not feeling this intense energy it may be that you have harnessed it already. Not wanting to make any moves and feeling free and fine? Perfect. You are present and that is a wonderful place to be. If you are confused don't hesitate to talk to me about getting an intuitive reading. The beginning of the year is a great time to get one.
Liberate yourself by making change in your own life now! Thoughts like, "I don't want to be like this anymore or do this anymore", is your intuition giving you spot-on relevant guidance to stop doing things you know are bad for you, or not serving your greater-good. There is cosmic clearing potential during this new moon to eradicate fears and old ways of being.
☽ Serena
This angel of abundance confirms we will be abundant this year if we stay true to ourselves, and move forward and to take care of ourselves. Stay connected to our Higher Power. It confirms again the need to be rooted and grounded so we can embody what we are up to, so that we can have something to give. Our angel has open hands. In 2017 and ahead, stay devoted to your Faith. Be devoted to the vessel of of your wishes and desires. Be open.
A spiritual practice is a MUST now. Author Tim Ferris, who wrote "Tools for Titans", said during his recent interview on the Jimmy Fallon show, said that 80% of successful people have a mind control practice whether it be meditation, doctor-approved exercise or listening to a song over and over, for focus. Having a devotion practice will make you more successful personally, financially and mentally. Meditation creates time. It doesn't take it away. Five minutes is all you need. More is good too. Check out my meditations here to get started.
The New Moon hits at about 7pm tonight and tomorrow in the am in London and Sydney. For the next few days the energy is ON and perfect for manifesting.
Reign in the Breakthrough Energy of this cosmically potent moon phase. Get the recording of last nights ★Aquarius New Moon Party★.
It includes oracle cards pulled for the upcoming year, in-depth qualities of the new moon and a 25 minute meditation.
Get Your Recording: here
Stay alert and open. Be true to yourself and have FUN. There are so many things to do and experience. It's a brand new world and the world is your oyster.
Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom Oracle ~ Victoria Moseley, Goddess Deck & Messages from the Angels ~ Doreen Virtue
If you have any insights or questions about this oracle card reading talk to me in the comments below. I love to hear from you!
Happy New Moon!
With oceans of love and magic,
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