LEO Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon ☽❍☾ Cosmic Portal of Change ~ August 21st 2017 www.tatianascavnicky.com

The Divine Feminine has come to call! A Feminine Moon crosses over the Masculine Sun. Daylight darkness stations across the US. There is changing of the guard and we crown the power of love as Empress. A cosmic portal opens in the sky. These kind of happenings stir great awe and wonder in us, don't they? This phenomenon has the potential to cause the breaking of addictions and self-sabotaging behaviors. It also could make it easy to unleash anger and stir us up. You might have a hard time sitting still and staying focused on what you are doing. I have been feeling so thirsty and now I know why. It's the heat of the eclipse season that started on August 7th. Change is inevitable in all actuality, so use this force. Step through this gateway with all that you are wishing for, with a fully open and courageous heart. This is what the world needs now and the world needs your heart.

During meditation to divine this reading, I felt a bright fiery sun on my third eye, the area just above, but between our eyes. It is the eye of our intuition and our soul. 

Astrologers say total solar eclipses warp time and are like black holes. Planetary aspects in Leo, the sign of courage, royalty, being seen and coming out are this celestial event's themes. The likes of this Total New Moon Eclipse has not been seen for 99 years. It will travel across the continental United States but will still be visible in Alaska and Hawaii. This cosmic event will have global effects, but astrologers have been talking about what it could mean for the United States related to its current leader. 

This new moon's timing brings to fruition what we were willing to see deeply about ourselves at the last full moon/lunar eclipse. If you missed that, read it here. Emotional baggage and sabotaging patterns were brought to light courageously and full-heartedly. Yes. Full moons are for releasing and new moons begin the cycle again. I know many who have been crying simply because they were releasing. Maybe parts of the past were coming up to be released or heavy emotions needed to be expressed. Crying is cleansing and brings healing. I experienced this too so I know how you feel. 

Royal star Regulus brings the strength of kings and queens and the heart of the lion. In the last reading I talked about the potential for breakdowns, break-ups and breakthroughs happening for us seemingly coincidentally. This is "the" big one and it's effects will be felt all the way till January 2018, and into the next 1-2 years, not just for the next month, as is the typical moon cycle. 

Part of this reading I am sharing with you from my morning meditation and writing time. I always think of you as I prepare for these oracle card readings. I ask that you are impacted and touched by these intuited new moon and full moon readings. I pray and ask God/Goddess, all manner of light beings, ascended masters and ancestors to bring you what you need to know,  just as I do in my private sessions. Keep in mind though these are general readings. More on that later. 

Here is the channeled message I got for the coming eclipse: 
This is a reboot, update and system reset. Get things in order. Things you have been putting off. Make way. Clear the path for your ultimate soul-stirring and deepest goals. If you are going for the deal, know the deal that you want, or the project or proposal. Get clear. 

We are moving up energetically. This does not mean we won't have low times, challenges, or defeats but a new sense of seeing the Divine Will, that we will have the power or let's say because power can be a scary word. We have the ALL...power, drive, desire, commitment, strength, fortitude, passion and love to share ourselves. We have to especially in light of what is happening on the planet and here in the US now...this part of the planet and all places around the world where women are still being burned, beaten and killed, and racism and hate still lives. Hold space for the change. 

And the biggest part was to Receive... 

Let's see what the cards have to say...

Merlin ~ Energetic Healing
Oh my stars! I have never used this deck for a reading but was guided to and look! Here is an image of a total solar eclipse!! I think the lunar eclipse we just had is shown down a bit on the right. Again we have clear and without a doubt evidence, that the cards reflect the questions we are asking and the times at hand. Merlin looks to be infusing and drinking power in from the eclipsed moon. All the colors of the chakras, our spiritual energy centers inside our bodies can be activated positively and negatively by this new moon. Drink power from this new moon but do not become drunk with it. The shadow side of Regulus is greediness, selfishness and cautions ruthlessness. Avoid revenge and tit-for-tat thinking.

Beautify your surroundings. Create a beautiful and nurturing environment. Heal through music and nature. Be artistic. Creativity activates the soul and opens the channels to creativity. Create for the sake of love, and for the pure pleasure of it.

Be open to wealth, success and abundance. Receive... Royal star Regulus called Alpha Leonis, (this feels masculine and feminine to me and I LOVE the sound of it) brings the potential for success in personal and private ventures. It's in the sign of Virgo, so my Virgo and Virgo-Rising peeps are probably feeling this just like me. With professional help, I am currently totally revamping my website, combining this blog and a mystical sisterhood as we speak. I often feel like I have all this energy (fire) and inspiration and then all at once I have to lay down.

It's a good time to get a planner, or every morning create a ritual for yourself. If you'd rather be more freeform set your daily and weekly goals in a notebook. You might light candles **safely** and incense or sage. Enjoy a cup of tea, hot water or coffee. I highly recommend writing in the morning all that comes to mind, at least three pages. It will bring out what's hiding within you, and give clues towards what you really want to do. Acclaimed author, journalist, artist, novelist, poet, filmmaker, playwright, teacher and poet is famous for her life-altering work made into a book called "The Artist's Way". I've done this process twice.

Writing first thing gives direct access to your subconscious mind. Just before falling asleep or just as we wake up, is a mystically powerful time. Try to have your journal, coffee set to perk, or tea set to bowl with tea bag in cup ready to go. Avoid the phone or internet till after. Writing is healing.

The new moon brings initiative and enthusiasm. Many aspects of this moon phase are aligned with fire. Use the fire to create not combust. He seems to gesturing that change is inevitable and change we must. The last Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon Reading supports this reading. Be sure to read that one as well.

Gyhldeptis ~ Synthesis
When I first pulled this card and looked at it, I thought what? Its green, and calming. Then I read it. I should know by now to never doubt the cards. She is the forest goddess of Northwest North America where the eclipse will start in Oregon. It will end in South Carolina, another place full of leafy lush trees like spanish moss. I am loving my new goddess deck. Gyhldeptis creates union and wholeness between opposing forces. She was the mossy hanging cedar branches to her people. Her myth says she changed a catastrophic whirlpool that was destroying ships that brought supplies to her region. She changed the whirlpool into a river by throwing a feast to entice the natural powers of the coast to help her.

She comes through this reading to show us that opposing forces are at hand, as we know. Hate does not erase hate. Love disappears and transforms hate. We know what is not right. And it starts with us, thank goodness. WE can do something about it.

This Total Solar Eclipse portents a critical point of change. Gyhldeptis says to begin by creating wholeness and centeredness within. When we take care of ourselves and honor our feelings and needs, we can be effective. The things we go through personally in life hold wisdom. We figure ourselves out as we go along. If we can hold space for our stuff and stand in the face of it, we can deal better with life's twists and turns, and be more of ourselves for our family, community, for our life's work and what we believe in.

We transform negative forces by not being negative ourselves, by not doing the dance of reactionary anger. This is an ancient lesson of the sages and teachers. Gyhldeptis holds a storm in her hands. She's planting intentions. True authentic power is standing in your light and heart, in the midst of the hate and anger. I believe this is the true meaning of turning the other cheek. It is the play of force in tai-chi, when you step out of the way when someone comes at you. You are unharmed. This does not mean turning your back on someone that is being hurt or abused, or taking physical or mental abuse. Or accepting that cities, places and towns are being terrorized. It means doing what you can and how you can, like being an activist for a cause or creating a movement, or bringing a broken family back together. It is radiating love through the huge heart of the lion.

Coming from the heart brings great wisdom. Although some people always seem to be open-hearted, bright and larger than life, we can't always be big and gracious. We are human after all. But now is the time to be the light. Leo energy is about shining that light brightly.

Wisdom is common sense and simple good judgement. "Little Owl" or Athene noctua, sits on Athena's left shoulder representing the feminine receiving side. She is also the goddess of war and strategy. Little Owl says listen. Sometimes when we know we shouldn't say something because it will not be helpful at all, we still say it. Our tongues can be cutting and cruel, or they can say what we really want to say wisely. Owl wisdom is the inner knowing to be able to see through people and situations. If owl is your totem or spirit animal, you can most likely see if people are telling the truth, or the see the truth of the matter.

I must tell you that I was working on this reading late into the a.m. Saturday night. I shuffled this deck and got the wisdom card and the truth card right behind it. But because I was tired, I thought I should probably get some rest and come back fresh. I shuffled this deck at least 5 times and pulled the same two cards!! You can't make this stuff up. And look at the Truth card, the eye symbolizes the eclipse! These two cards come together. I am in LOVE with this card. As many times as I have used this deck, I have never pulled this card.

This card signifies the coming together of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine at the total solar eclipse. A true warrior/ess uses wisdom to make decisions. Eclipse energy is not only about treating others with kindness, compassion and respect. It's also about doing that for ourselves. The truth card says find your freedom. Your truth will lead you there. There is highly creative radical energy available now. Two warriors represent you have this much more strength to go after what you want. You have the lion and the lioness inside and at your side.

Track your thoughts. What are they ruminating on? Make them build you up, not tear you down. Choose ease as much as you can, over anxiety and stress. For now, craft what you are wishing for. Around September 5th the pull to take action will begin. Definitely do a ritual for this phase, and it's prime time to get an intuitive reading. Write down your goals, wishes and dreams. What you cast for now, will reach into the next 1-2 years.

Here is an eclipse calculator to see when the eclipse will show in your neck of the woods!! 

On Monday I am going LIVE on Facebook Here at 7 pm. I'll be pulling three cards for a Total Solar Eclipse Reading. You don't want to miss it. We had so much fun last time. See you then.

Get on my list now to get goodies I only offer to my peeps first, including my Intuitive Readings & Meditations on special for the Eclipse! This cosmic event calls for something wonderful! The You Are Magic ~ Eclipse Special is on, 'cause you are... 

What you divine and wish for now has amazing potential. I am holding space for you. I am excited for you and all that you are creating!! It's always a pleasure to be with you.

*Oracle cards: Ascended Master Deck ~ Doreen Virtue, Goddess Oracle ~ Amy Sophia Marashinsky, Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

Happy New Moon Total Solar Eclipse!

ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
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