An Interview With Astrologer Jozef Slanda On The End Of The Mayan Calender

I caught up with Jozef Slanda, a fellow artist and musician friend of mine who gives great astrological readings. He's brought light to things in my chart that have made me that's why I did that. He is a triple Virgo so when he does something, he does it all the way, and beyond. He's given me so much perspective I had to ask him if he would share his take on 12-12-12, 12-20-12 and the end of the Mayan calender. Jozef breaks it down astrologically giving us a back-drop of world events to the conversation.  This is happening to all of us. Do you believe there will be a shift on the planet? Post your feelings below and let's get the conversation started.

An Essay on 2012 and related events: by Jozef Slanda
Because I am an astrologer as well as a musician and performer, the most frequent thing that people will ask me about at my talks and shows is; what is 2012 all about, and what does it all mean? I think that many people are very confused and scared because there is so much misinformation and fear floating around out there.

It all contains a grain of truth, yet none of the fragments that people hear tell the entire story. Some authors and self appointed prophets have taken the idea of the Aquarian Age, the end of the Mayan Calendar, the numerology of 12-12-12, the Ascension and the Dimensional Shift and mixed them all together into an end of days metaphysical gumbo that can’t help but cause fear and confusion, not to mention spiritual indigestion. I will do my best to try to make sense of it for those of you reading this.

In regards to December 12th 2012 and the dimensional shift, or “Ascension” that some people are talking about: From an astrological perspective 12-12-12 isn’t any more significant than 11-11-11 or 10-10-10 or 9-9-9. Other than the Sun, astrology doesn’t adhere to the calendar as the planets connect in their own cycles that don’t line up with our calendar most of the time. So 12-12-12 is a numerological anomaly that may, or may not have any real significance. Nothing I have read or seen has convinced me that anything earth shattering is going to happen on that date or that is going to cause a “spiritual” change or shift on the planet that any of us will see or actualize. There is an astrological event that is in play however on Dec 12, 2012 that could indicate some kind of major financial/political event, but it is part of a larger astrological context that I will try to explain below. (A)

The biggest astrological event of the past year and into 2013 is the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. It began building in 2008 at the time of the banking crisis and will continue well into 2015. (B) When Uranus and Pluto hook up in a difficult aspect the world always goes into a revolutionary crisis mode. The last two times these planets connected in this way were in 1932 and 1965. In 1932 we had the Great Depression and the rise of socialism, fascism, the workers union movement and the seeds of World War II. In 1965 we had the peak of the cold war, the Vietnam War, race riots, assassinations, the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution and the woman’s movement. Now in 2012 we have the continuing worldwide financial crisis, the Arab spring, the Occupy Movement, the continuation of the civil rights movement - as seen in the recent presidential race - and the reassessment of the social safety net programs that were put into place in the 1930’s and then furthered in the mid-60’s. So the themes that tie the Uranus/Pluto connection of 2012 to the previous two in 1932, and 1965 are those of social justice, civil rights, corrections in systems of financial inequality and social and sexual revolution. This is the overriding context of all of the events happening around 2012 and into the coming years.

The end of the Mayan calendar, the Ascension, Armageddon and the dawn of the Aquarian Age have all gotten lumped together around 2012 which has made all of them harder to understand. The concept of The Aquarian Age is an astronomical fact. Due to a phenomenon called “The Precession of the Equinoxes.” The astrological age’s change every 2000+ years culminating in a “Great Year” that is roughly 26,000 years in duration. It is said that the previous/current age was/is in the sign of Pisces. The coming Age of Aquarius has been talked about for a very long time now, and it rose into popular consciousness in the early 60’s and was immortalized in the Broadway play “Hair” in the song “Aquarius.” However, there is no consensus as to when the Aquarian Age begins, or if it has begun already. Though the astrological ages are real, the biggest misconception about them is that they happen on a given date and that some kind of shift or opening occurs on that date. The truth is that they behave more like waves and they overlap. So as the wave of the Age of Pisces is receding the wave of the Age of Aquarius is building. These overlaps can and do last hundreds of years before one age gives way completely to the next.

The end of the Mayan calendar is directly related to this “Great Year” of 26,000 years. The “Great Year” is divided into 5 distinct “World Ages” that last 5,125 years each. The Mayan Calendar, whose ending is referenced as marking the end (or beginning) of time, is believed to have begun at around 3000 BCE or 5000+ years ago. That is where scholars get the date Dec 21 2012, while some others use 12-12-12 as the end of the calendar. So this means that the “Great Year” of 26,000 years is ending at the same time as the current “World Age” of 5,125 years. This galactic alignment is believed by some to be an indicator of an opening or gateway that will account for The Ascension that is supposed to be a time when certain humans will evolve or “ascend” to a higher vibration and level of consciousness. Now if you think that all of this is starting to sound confusing, you would be right; but bear with me.

These three big things – the end of the “Great Year”, the changing of the Ages and the current Uranus/Pluto square – are the context of the current situation on the planet. It is like those Russian dolls that all fit into each other; you have to start with the biggest doll and work down from there. The end of the “Great Year”, the Mayan calendar and the Age of Aquarius are the larger context or the bigger dolls, and 2012, 12-12-12, the Ascension and the current Uranus/Pluto square are the smaller context or smaller dolls. The most important thing to understand here is that we are talking about vast cycles of time and that this end of the Mayan calendar and the dawn of the Aquarian Age are not the end of the world, but the end of one age, and the beginning of another. Also, that the ending or beginning of an age is not an event that happens on a given date, but a process that happens over time. There is no need to be afraid as the effects are very gradual, and are barely noticed by those who aren’t paying very close attention.

Every culture has its Armageddon and return to the Golden Age myths. The early Christians were certain that the Messiah’s return would be in their lifetimes 2000 years ago. The Y2K - or millennium scare - and now the 2012 scare, are new twists on the same theme. They all claim that the end is near and they all cause a great deal of fear and distress for ordinary people who are just trying to keep up and understand an ever changing world and their place in it. Yet the world is still here, and it hasn’t ended yet. And none of these dates that allegedly begin the new age, The Great Year, The World Age, The Age of Aquarius, and even the end of the Mayan calendar can be definitively given.
The culture may bubble for centuries around a new idea (think Galileo and the Sun as the center of the Solar System). And much of the culture may hardly even notice or get it (think the Vatican who only forgave Galileo for his revolutionary theory 400 years later in 2008). Yet the individuals are changed the moment that they change their mind. In my opinion all we have is NOW. We awaken individually when we take responsibility for our current reality and that is when our old world ends, and a new age of true change begins for us. I am not waiting for the world to change as I believe that our Golden Age is right now. We don’t have to wait for some point in the future to embrace change and awakening because we can make this choice in every day, every moment and every second of our lives. I suggest we all get busy with being the change we want to see in the world and take responsibility for changing the little piece of the Earth that we find ourselves standing upon at this moment; the world will catch up eventually.

Fear of the future, or the fantasy that all of our problems are going to end on Dec 12th or Dec 21st, or at any time in the near future as we float off into another dimension, or into the rapture, will only cause stress and anxiety. Not to mention the unbearable depression and disappointment some are certain to feel when they have to face the painful truth that they, and their problems, are still here on Dec 22nd 2012. I just try to remember the eternal truth in this and every moment; that God is Love and God is real, and that my job is to be present in the life I have now. The present is called the present because it is a gift. We do ourselves a great service when we remember to stay focused and grounded in this moment and to try to be the best humans that we can be right here, and right now. We have to be in the world to save the world.

Footnote (A): the astrological event that is happening on December 12 2012 is a Yod (Finger of God) pattern that includes Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and it will be in play from Dec 9, 2012 thru Jan 4, 2013 and be reactivated from March 11, 2013 thru April 8, 2013. The planets Saturn and Pluto are in a “mutual reception” as Saturn rules Capricorn and Pluto rules Scorpio, and Saturn is in Scorpio while Pluto is in Capricorn. The sextile between these two planets (60 degree aspect) and the fact that they are in a mutual reception makes this a very powerful combination.

Saturn and Capricorn govern the law, structure and the existing order. Pluto and Scorpio govern money, power, sex, death and transformation. Having these two planets in each other’s sign and also in a harmonious angle, shows a huge potential for a true restructuring of our financial system and institutions, as well as the laws that govern and regulate them.

Jupiter in Gemini is the focal point of this Yod (Finger of God) pattern and Jupiter rules philosophy, principles and belief, while Gemini is the sign of communications and the archetype of the trickster, or potentially the liar. As Jupiter also rules expansion and optimism there is a serious probability that the season of this Yod will be full of expanding rhetoric and trickery in regards to our power structures (Saturn, Capricorn and Pluto, Scorpio). That this is happening as our government is again edging up to a fiscal cliff with the debt ceiling crisis, and that this Yod is occurring in the context of the previously mentioned very volatile Uranus/Pluto square we could be heading into a very stormy winter in regards to the politics of money, yet there is the potential for a revolutionary shift in these realms as well. One other thing; This could also be about a restructuring and reorganizing (Saturn/Pluto) of beliefs or philosophies (Jupiter) that are communicated to us, or by us (Gemini) by guru’s or teachers (Jupiter), or even by some odd synchronicity (Yod) our hidden talent (Yod) for becoming our own Guru (Jupiter).

Footnote (B): In 2008 the planet Pluto ingressed (moved) into the sign of Capricorn for the first time since 1778. At this time there was also a Saturn, Uranus opposition (180 degrees) with Uranus beginning to apply to its eventual square to Pluto. Because of these two astrological events, many mundane and financial astrologers had written about and predicted some kind of major financial event for the fall of 2008. These three astrological factors taken together – Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn, the Saturn/Uranus opposition, and Uranus moving towards a square to Pluto – are the overriding context that have led to, and continue to define the context of our current worldwide financial crisis.

©Jozef Slanda

Jozef (Jotown) Slanda, is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, astrologer and film maker from Detroit Michigan. He has been in the entertainment industry for 35 years, and. he has been involved in the mixing of music and astrology since 1977. He continues to do musical performances and lectures on Astrology and other topics year round. He is currently working on a documentary about Detroit Michigan, the city he grew up in.

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