7 Things Being Spiritual Does Not Mean

More than ever my friends, my tribe is striving to be of a higher consciousness. We want a better world. I've been a pretty heavy seeker for spirit since 2004. It's a way of life for me. As far back as I can remember I craved spiritual texts around me even if I wasn't reading them. I wanted to be close to God and I knew that God was much more than the Presence that supposedly visited the Orthodox-Catholic church I went to every Sunday as child. I knew there was something more and I wanted it in my life. 

Many factors influence what we believe being "spiritual" means. Growing up, it was no meat on Friday, keeping my head bowed at church and at the ritual ceremonial singing my Father had us do at home for lent. It also meant women had no place in the church except to be mothers, helpers and wives of men. 

Being spiritual meant suffering. Suffering was king in my upbringing! Having money and being affluent didn't mix either with being "Godly". You had to keep that on the down low but it seemed members more well-off were secretly admired or enviously resented. Mother Mary's icon is painted on the ceiling of the church of my youth as "Birth Mother of God", arms out stretched around the Christ child, but there was no mention of her of in the doctrine. I never got the impression of her being important. My views are so different now and I embrace the Divine Feminine with all of my heart and soul.

Hopefully by now you've found a healthy and loving definition of God and of being spiritual. Here are 7 things that being spiritual does not mean.

Being A Doormat

You may have felt that being there to listen to others and help them when they are having trouble is the right thing to do. But often spiritual people become energetic sponges for their family and friends, because their hearts are open. They might even be intuitive readers, life coaches or counselors. They've been through hardship. It's part of what made them spiritual in the first place so how could they turn away. It's not healthy to take on the pain and emotions of others. It sucks the life out of your own life and spirit.

To Suffer is Spiritual

This one was huge for me growing up! Embracing the Divine Feminine and re-defining God as a loving presence that has my back unconditionally, helped break me of this one. God does not want me to suffer. Suffering for others does not lift them up or us. It doesn't make things better or create new possibilities. There will be things that happen in life that will have us facing suffering's door. We lose loved ones and face sickness. We lose our faith at times and we lose our way. We will suffer anyway. When we do we pray for help through what we face. Spiritual suffering does not bring freedom.

Renouncing The Good Life

I've heard it said Jesus only had the clothes on his back. He and the apostles were fed by followers and slept in their houses. Buddha renounced the rich family palace, meditating under the Boddhi tree to find the principle of non-detachment. If you love God you don't need much, and more importantly you shouldn't want for anything at all, it's selfish.  Godly people aren't supposed to have million dollar homes and expensive cars. They should be giving their money away if they have it. These kinds of beliefs float beneath the surface and are not even spoken out loud. 

I believe God wants us to have more than enough for ourselves. It is our birthright to be a channel for Divine Source so we can live amazing, fulfilling and satisfying lives full of wealth of spirit, health, prosperity and love. Having nice things enriches life experience. Our prosperity blesses others. We can than give to charities and to people in need.

Pushing Your Beliefs on Others

 Our country was founded on the right to worship how we choose. Religious elitism even creeps up with the meta-physies and new agers. Whatever way you choose to experience the Divine, you don't have the right to be a spiritual pusher. You may not believe Jesus is the only way to God and devout Christians may think using your intuition is evil, but too each his own. There are many faiths and paths to God.

Denying Your Sexuality 

Confidence, charisma, charm, attractiveness and sexiness are natural human qualities we respond to in others. Playing down your beauty doesn't make you more spiritual. Taking care of our bodies and being confident about our appearance and nurturing positive sexual relationships with our lovers is healthy.

Preachers, ministers and metaphysical thought leaders exude presence. Their confidence and appeal make us hear the message better. People hear with their eyes is a common show biz expression. Celibacy is a spiritual path practiced by clergy and non-clergy people. I would not consider a man who's not had sex in 10 years, more spiritual than a woman who's had children and is doing the best she can to raise them right. He might be a priest. She is a mother. I think it depends on the heart and soul of a person, not whether they have sex. Being spiritual isn't about living outside of a human experience, it's about combining the two.

Giving Yourself Away 

Putting others before yourself always won't get you spiritual gold stars. It won't put ahead of the line in heaven. How healthy is it to deny yourself? Is that spiritual? I say "hell no" for sure. We need boundaries and we need to teach our children boundaries too. You are a precious resource, created by Spirit. How you spend your time and with whom are healthy respectful choices. In my opinion, taking care of the vessel God gave you is practicing "spiritual responsibility".

You Can't Be Angry

 I have many friends on the spiritual path. I love my tribe of peeps. I like to think we are raising the vibration of the world by the thoughts we think, what we contribute through our gifts and who we are. A "spiritual person" can change the whole energy of a room. But I've seen a phenomenon creep up and I've caught myself in this one too. It's the perception that spiritual people don't get angry. The thoughts we think influence our feelings. Anger is sometimes viewed as a bad emotion or a lower vibration. The misconception is that we must always be thinking happy and joyful thoughts. Feeling anger creates more anger and might influence the people around us. I have been in the grocery store behind an angry person who's complaining about how slow the line is moving and trying to enroll the rest of us in anger. But being angry can be healthy sometimes causing us to create needed change. Expressing it in a good way keeps our blood pressure down and reduces stress. Feelings of anger can move through us just as feelings of happiness do.

Follow your heart. Do the right thing and be kind to others. That's being spiritual.


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