☽✩☾Tatiana's Full Moon in Taurus November 17th☽✩☾ Goddess Reading

The Keeper of the Scales~Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid

The Taurus Full Moon brings security and safety to our realm. I had the extreme pleasure of having dinner with Colette Baron-Reid in Las Vegas. How perfect was the Universe's timing to have a conversation with a fellow incredibly talented singer/songwriter and Intuitive.  At the time I was going through a huge personal, spiritual and professional shift from doing just music and writing, to taking on my life purpose to be an Intuitive and write songs with a much deeper message. She shared that her album rocked but it had a deeper meaning for the masses. I happen to love her and her album "Magdalene's Garden"! She inspired me to cover Neil Young's "Old Man" in my shows, when I heard her version. 

She was very honest and straight to the point... but in such a clear and powerful way. She said something along the lines of...don't let your ego keep you from moving into your life purpose or convince you that this is somehow "not good". Go for it and it will work-out even better than you can imagine. Eventually as I felt my "old life" falling away I recorded meditations my album "Mrs. Blue" and my new life was afoot. "Obsidian" followed and then came "I Will" It can be hard to stay true to your vision when you can't see how it will happen. This Taurus Full Moon can help steady us, reconnecting us with our deepest desires. Taurus's sensuality and pleasure awaken our joy for life. We can find the courage and passion within as we redefine our core values and get back in touch with what brings us joy.

Goddess Reading
Our need for security, stability and safety is highlighted and expressed during this full moon. So many changes have been upon us and in our worlds. It can be challenging to feel like we are truly connected to what we came here to do while crisis and disaster happen around us. Intense emotions can throw us off course. I recently talked about Typhoon Haiyan and how intuitive and sensitive people can feel natural disasters before they hit in my latest vlogSo here you are trying to stay focused and motivated, yet you feel like a truck hit you.

Times like these call for a pulling back of ourselves and our energy. We are truly are own resource and we must take care of ourselves. Redefining our core values and what brings us true joy and pleasure brings us back into alignment. The "Keeper of the Scales" is calling for us to come back to why we want to do what we love. Author and poet Mark Nepo, said on Super Soul Sunday that he had to be stripped of his identity as an author of poems, to get back to what was within him that caused him to want to express himself and write poems in the first place.

Where we are going is good. This card confirms that intending even in the midst of chaos for the greater good will keep us on track and aligned, finding more balance as we swim through twists and turns. Yes shit happens. It hits and if we are low, overwhelmed and not sure where we are going, our vibration can get stuck there. Feel and release. Set your sights on pleasure and having fun. This is a good time to get together with like-minded friends, get a massage and be with your beloved.

I recommend  journaling during the full moon, three days before and after. Ask yourself what your core values are? What makes you enthusiastic and fires up your passion? Why do you feel compelled to do what you do related to your life's work and career? Are you too caught up in working on your life's work that you are disconnected from why you want to do it in the first place?

The "Keeper of the Scales" brings the message that we will swing back and forth and taking care of ourselves is an important core to keeping our balance. What is the best thing you can do to keep your balance now? What advice would you give to someone else in your position?

This Taurus Full Moon also highlights security and stability as related to money and financial resources. It's time to focus on the big picture, again why we do what we do. What's our mission and are we in our own way because we are looking at how much we are making instead of how much we are worth? Are we valuing our time, energy, and what we have created? Have we lost touch with why we do what we do? Where do we need to grow up and are spending money on giving ourselves pleasure?

Connecting with our bliss, comfort, happiness and serenity refuels us...kinda like a vacation. Maybe it's time for one. Enjoy and imbibe feeling oh so good.

Happy Full Moon!



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