5 Ways Your Intuition Already Speaks To You www.tatianascavnicky.com


We aren't aware of how much we are actually using our intuition because it is a natural ability we are all born with. We use it all the time without knowing we do. Getting a vibe might not be considered a psychic hit, like when you first walk into an old house and you get a bad feeling, but it is. Or when you meet someone and feel like you've known them forever and they become one of your besties. Here are some ways you are already tuned in.

You can read an environment
Chances are your ability to read a room or size it up is second nature. You can walk into a room and immediately gauge the emotional climate. Your initial feelings as you walk into an environment are important and valid information being taken in by your intuition. This information then gives you tools and strategies. For instance, a co-worker at a work party might start a conversation with you and before you even get past small talk, a weird feeling rises up in your stomach or a questioning sort of sense appears within you. Your co-worker then starts to gossip about your boss or a fellow workmate. You knew something was up that you didn't want to be a part of.

Repetitive thoughts and feelings, are your intuition trying to get your attention 
Have you been getting guidance to eat better? Are you hearing a constant chorus of “eat your vegetables”? Do you keep seeing pictures of beautiful vegetables or huge salads pop into your head? You may have heard a soft voice inside whispering drink more water. Persistent thoughts and feelings that won't leave you alone, like constant thoughts to get your master's degree and continue on with your schooling, are a function of your natural guidance system.

Clear vivid and prophetic dreams are a marker of Clairvoyance which simply means clear vision
Have you ever dreamed something was going to happen and it did? Or a person appeared in a dream and they called you the next day? That is a psychic trait called clairvoyance. The attraction to number sequences and visual cues from your environment, like seeing a certain type of bird are a marker for “clear seers”. Seers are called visionaries in the dictionary. Why are prophetic dreamers sometimes called freaks or dark-siders, when most inventions were pictures that would not leave the inventor alone? Consider the effects of the repetitive ideas that wouldn't leave Einstein and Madame Curie alone. 


Mother's Intuition isn't just a trait that happens for Moms
It's already there inside. The intricate soulful and intimate relationship of mother and child brings it out. I believe fathers have this intuition as well. Parents often describe a “feeling” they have had that something might be wrong and they don't know exactly what it is, but its enough to justify a check-in on a child. This “hit” as its often called, can happen right before your son a daughter calls to share something bad that's happened, or something good.

Feelings about people, places and things are another method your inner-knowing communicates to you.
A sense about a person when you first meet them, whether you can trust them or not, or if you want to get to know him or her better is clear intuition. We accept the saying “trust your first impressions” without realizing that it totally means trust your psychic impressions! These types of “feelings” might show up when declining a seemingly great job opportunity because you just know its not right for you and there is a deep knowing that something else is in the works. It has happened to me. It can feel like a brick in your stomach or sudden nausea. Now that you know you are an intuitive, I hope you will keep trusting yourself. Pay attention to hunches and gut feelings. The more you trust and believe the better it gets!

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