It's So not Just About Us

On the way to pick up family from the airport on a warm August Michigan night, I could not believe how beautiful the moon was. I felt so energized by it. The arrival time for the flight was 12:26pm. I was a bit tired but the moon charged me up all the way there.

 I tuned in and felt it was an action-oriented moon. I don't keep up with all things astrological unless guided to share the information if it relates. Upon doing a little research, I discovered it was a Capricorn Moon having a huge significance for me and perhaps you as well. Turns out this Moon is all about new ways of thinking  being and beginnings.This challenging and productive Moon shines within an astrological structure "demanding" we make changes in our lives and attitudes.

This so resonates for me right now as I just moved and my Mom is very sick. I have had a profound strength in me. I started "A Course In Miracles" as a way to stay spiritually connected and super-charge my spiritual muscle during these big changes. In some ways I feel like a different person. In the past I would've been a total emotional wreck, but I am not. I'm emotional....but I'm not a wreck. And if I get wrecked somehow I know I will bounce back.

 I have had some very powerful life-changing talks with my Mom. We are totally complete and I have been able to really love her unconditionally in spite of our past. I never thought I could, or would say that. Our Moms teach us so much about life and ourselves.

This new found strength is aligned with the qualities of the Capricorn Moon. It "demands" that we transform our ways...our attitudes, how we live our lives. The other strong component at play here is the questioning of why we want what we want. Upon reflection of our dreams and goals, we ruminate on just how deeply the Universe is at play as we go after our passions and what we want. ~It's so not just about us~

I would love to hear how you feel you've changed in 2012. Most everyone I talk to has gone through some sort of transformation. You don't have to go it alone....


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