When You Have Done Everything You Can Faeries and Angels Magazine Spring 2012 Edition

Sometimes when we decide to step into our spiritual purpose, we think we will graduate to a state of never-ending bliss. If we chant enough “oms” or log seven hours of meditation time a week, surely our issues will never show their ugly faces again. Finally “happily-ever-after” can be achieved if we think the “right” thoughts, and never let ourselves be angry. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a brand new bright-eyed and bushy-tailed yogini as well as long-time practiced devotees. It doesn’t even really matter where you see yourself in this spectrum of possibilities. Sorry, but grades, levels and degrees do not count here. Two months or five years into your commitment to having a relationship to Spirit, higher purpose, or simply just being a better person you may find yourself singing the “why me’s.”

 How could it be, you’ve read the secret books with the secret formulas? Perhaps you’ve turned the light on for others yet your corner of the room remains eerily over-shadowed with not a flicker of wisdom to grasp.

When you can do no more...do nothing. It is sometimes called surrender or letting go in spiritual terms. I personally feel surrender is the final outpost, the final act, the wave of the white flag. Sorry to say despite your two day vow of silence you did at that retreat, you will find yourself at the final outpost. It’s hard to tell my clients that it doesn’t get any easier when you turn your life over to a higher calling. You might ask, “but I’m doing the right thing?” or “Don’t I get karma points?”. I think we do get karma points, but now that we have become super aware of our intentions and motivations, we see just how responsible we are for our actions and what we want to create in our worlds. And because we’re leaning into something higher, our standards for life get higher. We need loving, supportive friends around us. We prefer lighter places to hang out and nurturing environments to be in. Whatever your poison may be, the choice to lean into addictions such as working-out, food, or alcohol can no longer satisfy that deeper yearning. I have often said to myself, ”I can’t eat this away.” Dumping on your friends and telling them your problems with no desire to change feeds a similar vicious circle. We can’t just pull down the shades and choose to numb ourselves. Being more spiritual equals being self-aware so issues will be brighter and clearer.

I recommend calling in your spiritual team when you are at the final out post. Don’t be ashamed to give up. Stop considering yourself un-enlightened because you are having a difficult time. Raise your hands up; give it to God and your etheric posse. Why have just one angel when you can call in a thousand? How about asking Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael and Ganesh to be part of your posse? This is your council. Who do you want to be on it?

I like to call in Kuan Yin, the Goddess of compassion, forgiveness and mercy when I’m holding the white flag. Personally I feel the crystal rose quartz to be strongly associated with Kuan Yin. Other crystals connected with her are pearl, aquamarine, jade, and aventurine. I love to call on her because she has such a deep profound love and compassion for us. It can be easier to have compassion for others than for ourselves. She helps us to have that compassion for our own process which actually heals. Kuan Yin chose to remain in human form to help humanity. The mercy of her being is boundless. Also known as Guan Yin or Quan Yin, she is often called “the Mother Mary of the East.”

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