MUST-Have BEAUTIFUL Things Mondays ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ

Welcome to my new weekly MUST-have BEAUTIFUL Things Mondays  ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ and to my Monday world. I say Mondays can be magical "and so it is". I'll be sharing things that make me happy and lift me up. I need that. I think we all do. Mondays have a bad reputation but forever...Mondays have been part of the weekend for me, one of my days off and a day to look forward too. My concerts, shows and events usually hit on weekends. 

In one of my FB groups we call the PMLounge-the Psychic Mixer Lounge we practice Miracle Mondays~What are you grateful for? This works really well with the theme of my PML peeps. They are a community of cool, high-vibrating, creative and amazingly talented people that get group spiritual counseling and mini-readings from me in our Psychic Mixer events. But for real I could never describe them with words and descriptions but I try. A few have radio shows, are authors and one has a book about to be released and another is creating a place for people to lovingly say goodbye to their ailing and aging pets. 

As a performer and artist, I've worked most holidays and weekends completely the opposite of the rest of the world.
Truthfully I can't and won't ever call it work. I might say, "I am working tonight at such & such venue." This confuses people who don't consider singing, or doing what you love as "legit". It really never mattered to me. It is my passion.

I've recently discovered that I LOVE writing in my blog and doing vlogs. I also LOVE to have beautiful things around me. As a Virgo Sun my environment has to be somewhat organized but beautiful. It might be the artist in me as well. If my environment and what I am looking at is not gorgeous and delish to my eye, my mind is totally distracted.

As a Gemini Rising I MUST express myself! Hence the singing, writing, vlogging, blogging, dressing up, and designing.

Right now I'm envisioning my new living room. I painted it a long time ago and it just doesn't reflect who I now am, and what I want to see around me. It looks like an old Goddess temple with a boho-shabby chic vibe. I spent a whole month painting it and created an aged look like an ancient Italian wall. My generous boyfriend helped me with the preparation and priming so that I could get "ancient" on my walls. It's still gorgeous so it will work...until I revamp. I promised him the new look will be one color. He is not as happy as I thought he would be. 

So you can look forward to MUST-Have BEAUTIFUL Things Mondays ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ with me. I'll be sharing fashion, food, music, people, places, things and more that I ADORE.

My first MUST-Have ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ  is turquoise jewelry!

The color turquoise is soothing to soul, rejuvenating and relaxing at the same time. Think of the beach and how it makes you feel. The hippy-artist in me could drown in turquoise jewelry. I might wear too much actually and was once told by an agent back when I went corporate and sang at weddings to make big bucks, that I should wear one ring and on each hand, and to choose earrings or a necklace. But that was rhinestones. 

I still wore too much and had blue         and turquoise colored painted toes. 
I'm guilty of wearing too much jewelry and eating too much wedding cake. 

Yums.... I still eat cake and don't plan to stop.

Turquoise as a healing color is considered to be linked to your throat chakra from where you express yourself, your voice. Yes as a songstress and one who loves to write, this makes total sense. It's also my aura color, the color of an artist, healer and teacher.  

It's no coincidence that my very first album Mrs. Blue has a turquoise cover. Whatever kind of treasures you like to bejewel your lovely self with, it does feel amazing and special.

Turquoise trinkets make me feel like a goddess...beautiful, sexy, care-free and shiny... and just good all over. 

I treat clothing or a piece of jewelry like it was a piece of art, even though people who collect clothes get a bad rap because they're told it's all vanity.
Daphne Guinness

I bought the dragonfly pendant in this shot at "the" crystal shop on the Big Island. Kona Rock & Mineral  sparkles in a shopping village along  the ocean. My love affair with KRM began way back in 2007, travelling to Kona regularly for work. (There's that word again.) I made frequents trips to recharge and
clear my energy (as we say) and

I ended up living there for 4 lovely and magical years. I am still full of downloads from that place.

I often go to Pu'uhonua O Honaunau , "City Of Refuge" in meditation. I spent lots of time there sitting and soaking up Mother Ocean and talking to Pele, Hawaii's revered Creator Volcano Goddess asking for guidance and listening. I literally sat in this spot, at the water's edge.

Here is another view of that same spot, on an overcast afternoon. On the way back down from the one road that goes around the whole island, I'd stop at KRM. I did readings there on Fridays. I bought lots of beads and gems that came back to the mainland with me. The buddha wasn't there when I was, but it's a nice touch.

Whether I'm making a recipe or a piece of jewelry or a white-rose-and-jasmine tea or the perfume, I like to think of myself as a happy little sorceress, and if I could just have a little general store with all that stuff and give people a sense of my taste, that would be lovely.
Padma Lakshmi

I promise that you'll see more about my fav color turquoise, the boho accessories and wares that pull at my heart strings. Stones and gems come from the Earth. If you LOVE the earth and ocean like I do, wearing it's treasures is a blessing and makes one stunningly gorgeous. 

Break out your treasures.
Mine for more....

A happy little sorceress 
Virgo Love,

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