What To Do When You Are Being A Super B%+@H!

Hello My Peeps! I'm sharing something very personal with you. I was a total super bitch the other day. It happens, to everyone including peace loving people like maybe you... and me on the Spiritual path. 

When in SB overdrive, it's time to give yourself attention. Being honest with yourself and acknowledging what got you there is the first step and don't forget to FORGIVE yourself. That anger is a look into change that is super important and needed for your well-being. When anger turns into a deep resentment...that persists...it becomes a state of being that robs us of joy and happiness. Watch my latest Vlog as I totally share from my heart my SB drama.

As always I'd love to hear from you my peeps! What do you do when you know you've gone beyond and how do you come back to Om? 

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