RGTatianaTv~Just Show Up! Ignite Your Creativity Series #5

In this Vlog I talk about what to do when your ego gets in the way and what can happen when we surrender and "just show up" to our creative projects and endeavors. I love this sutra, one of 5 spiritual concepts boiled down into one sentence from Yogi Bhajan for the Aquarian Age.

"When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off." 
Yogi Bhajan

Sutra literally means thread. I think of it like a truth or words to live by.

This one helps me when I'm stalling...even when it's time to film the weekly RGTatianaTv episode. Once I commit, and ask for guidance on what to teach, the ideas flow like rain along with ideas for future episodes and it's so easy. The sutra reads...

What's your ego's mo when it's time to get to your creative projects and actually "do them"? How does it try to talk you out of beginning? Share in the comments below...

Your creative junkie & instigator,


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