My MUST-HAVES ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ : Life Changing Reads

Good reads are a MUST-Have ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ for me. I read four or five books at a time. I love magical fiction. I am currently reading "Beautiful Creatures" a New York Times bestseller by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It's bestseller status was not it's appeal. It was that thing in me that leads me to books and the cover is enchantingly cool! 

Book one is about Lena who will be claimed by the light or darkness on her sixteenth birthday. I plan to continue the series. I read all four books in the "Twilight" series too and loved them! 

“I like best to have one book in my hand, and a stack of others on the floor beside me, so as to know the supply of poppy and mandragora will not run out before the small hours.” 
― Dorothy ParkerThe Collected Dorothy Parker

But this week's MUST-Have is about life-changing books. I have two that helped me take the right direction at the fork in the road and I was claimed by the light. Sadly I forgave unspeakable abuse and betrayal much later in life. I wasn't able to do it sooner. But these books became trusted mentors and friends, helping me do the work I needed to do.

"Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks and "The Power Of Intention" by Wayne Dyer were my game-changers. I learned I could still have my feelings about the past AND create a future with belief, and separate feelings around my new intentions.I could think in a completely different way...with hope, peace and expectation for better. 

A childhood of being abused and victimized leaked out onto every area of my life creating a continuing story of victimization. The culmination of years of therapy and these books coming into my life are like a huge red mark on the map of my life. I am now here because of it. I was "literally" saved.

“Some like to believe it's the book that chooses the person.” 
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

You may have heard the "this book fell off the shelf into my hands" story. For me I was physically drawn to my transformational tomes like a magnet. Something in me picked those books. I actually have to get another copy of "Ask and It Is Given" because it's being borrowed right now. I know I won't ever get it back and that's ok. The person reading it is very special to me and needed it badly. Some books just end up being like best friends on your bookshelf, comforting, nurturing and always there for you. 


In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own. I learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might aspire to, and what I might dare to dream about my world and myself. ~ Anna Quindlen ~ American author, journalist and columnist

I like to have a few self-help and motivational type reads going all the time. I need them! Here are some of my latest volumes. One of my absolute favorite things to do is take my tray of books, journal, pen and coffee outside in the sun.

What are your game-changing books? What books have become your best friends? Have you ever had one fall off the shelf into your lap? Share your favs and best friends. The rest of us may want to read them. They just might become our trusted friends too.

Devoted lover of books and fairy tales,

ps. my next MUST-Have read is "E-Squared" said to prove our thoughts do really create our reality. I'm in...


  1. My wake up call was the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I was so honored to spend 2 days with him :)

  2. My wake up call was the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I was so honored to spend 2 days with him :)

  3. Ooooh Linda that's a great one!!

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