A New Beginning: Post Fall Equinox October New Moon

The Ancients said the New Moon that follows the Fall Equinox is a new beginning. I believe in the power of the stars and my connection to them. This is supposed to be "the" most powerful new moon of the year.

Robert Thibodeau  author of "Astrological Aspects of the Art" says "Mercury conjunct north node adds to picture. What one thinks, one becomes in time. Train the mind. Good time for a good read and mind attunement." Today and yesterday I've yearned to sit in my sun room, read, peruse and explore. It's true that we are in alignment and connected to the rhythm of the Universe. My Virgo Sun-Gemini Rising mind (both these signs are ruled my mercury the messenger) is soaking this up like a sponge.

Kelly Rosano says: 
“The Libra New Moon on October 4 is a potent New Moon.  In fact, this could be the most powerful New Moon in 2013. It is a grand square New Moon. That is four squares and two oppositions…”

“The Libra New Moon is building you toward the intense Pluto/Uranus square on Nov 1. This is the fourth exact aspect in a series of seven.. through March of 2015.

“…These potent energies are changing you to the core of your being. You are being awakened to your soul desires."
And... “Relationship issues are front and center at the New Moon…Uranus is bringing to your attention certain aspects in your relationships that you may have not considered…”

This year has felt like a whole new world to me. It feels fuzzy and new. Some mornings I wake up feeling I'm in a dream ripe to create in. And there are days of a heavy depression. How we live and what is truly important to us is at the top of the list and it's that changes too. World systems and ways of doing business are falling apart...the government is shut down. 

More Rosano wisdom: 
“Uranus is awakening your real emotional wants and needsThis is a wake-up call. This is about sweeping your life clean. Belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown. Structures that you have built up are challenged.
“Things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable end. For a cycle you may feel adrift, in transition. Then new doors open and new chapters begin.  You are ushered into a new phase of life.
“Ultimately, the changes and/or losses place you squarely on a new path that you are supposed to be traveling. Your eyes open to the beauty of all that is you.

I will wear my new moon pendant tonight. 

My ritual will not be somber and may include music, most likely a cocktail and my beloved. I will be celebrating what is already here that will make my life even more juicy, creative and happy that I want to form, as Martha Beck puts it. I must get her new book  "Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want" 

It's a good time to bring out your crystals too for a cleansing moon bath and jewelry you wear often. Mark and I drove up to the Lake in August to experience the Full Moon. Here I am catching moon beams.

Use my "New Moon Meditations" for the next three days. 2 meditations and one of my favs "Aine" from MW.

*Atlantean Crystal Healing Bed 26:00
*Rhiannon Crystal Cave Manifestation 18:38
* Aine Goddess Music from Mark Watson's AngelEarth

The new moon is all about creation, 3 days before and after. It works if you work it, and tonight would be the perfect opp to do a "what you want to bring in ceremony". Full moon is for releasing and new for bringing in...for manifesting. And since this post Fall Equinox new moon is being called the most powerful one of the year, I will be outside tonight hopefully by the fire thinking about what I want to manifest.

What will you do for your celebration? How did it go and what magic did you make? Share with me in the comments below.

Happy Happy New Moon! 

Enchanted moon goddess,

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