☽✩☾Goddess Oracle Card: Artemis☽✩☾ Full Moon~Lunar Eclipse

Balsa ~Anime  Series

☽✩☾Spiritual Protection, Boundaries & Animals ☽✩☾

From the oracle legend. Your prayers of protection for you and yours have been heard. You are surrounded by legions of forces including angels and ascended masters. There is no limit to the amount of beings in your spiritual posse. Our strength will give you courage.

This picture has always been a symbol of the Goddess Artemis for me. She is Goddess of the Hunt and of the Moon. The Aries Full Moon on October 18th is also a lunar eclipse bringing more of the ending and beginnings energy I talked about in my Fall Goddess Reading Vlog. I can already feel the intensity and action that is a hallmark trait of Aries. I questioned my oracle card pick because it had a full moon on it, but I have to follow my gut and go with the chosen card and it fits perfectly.

"It  (Aries) teaches you to love yourself more than relying on a relationship. Before giving yourself to another, having a strong self to offer is foremost."

Artemis teaches us to keep healthy boundaries so that we can cultivate a strong sense of ourselves. What our needs are and valuing "our time" and energy are a theme for the full moon. This Goddess says it is not wrong to go after what is important to us passionately and to protect the time, energy and resources that this takes, fitting perfectly with the Aries full moon. What have you been passionately wanting to do? What boundaries need to be put into place so that you can go after what is important to you and "hunt" your target? What behaviors need to be released and which ones will you adopt to support the creation of your new beginning...your dream. 

The Aries Full Moon encourages you to fight for what is important to you by backing up your intentions with action. Release the opinions of others if they try to make you feel guilty about the choices you make. When the guilt comes up let it pass. 

More Rosano wisdom: 
"Aries teaches you to practice 'healthy selfishness'. The Aries eclipse could see you busy blazing new trails...it's all about me sings and dances the Aries Full Moon."

Joanna Pallaris

Artemis's symbols are the the golden bow and arrow, a hunting dog, and the moon. Her presence in this reading represents the present energy to act and take action, and as a protector of children, with a feminine nature. This full moon is about balancing female and male energies together. Taking action is the masculine-Aries, and holding out for the ideal and receiving is the feminine-Libra. Consider what action steps to take before diving in. Try to stay in the flow. The moon is symbolic here as it relates to Artemis and following our intuition before we strike. Stay grounded simultaneously and be high vibration

Enter the
and choose another card. Post your pic in the comments below and I'll add a bit of intuitive wisdom for you.

Happy Full Moon!✰✰*`*••♥*`*


  1. I picked three. Rhiannon, Quan Yin, and Lakshmi

  2. Rhiannon signifies the magical creation of the immediate past, all you have been working to manifest...all of your hard work. Quan Yin is the energy of radical compassion at work right now in your life..the gratitude as well for how life all fits together and Lakshmi brings great beauty, splendor and abundance...and a possible trip. Blessings to you my Aries Goddess!! XoTatiana
