Trending Now: Why A Daily Practice Will Rock Your World

A daily practice will change your life. I know you've heard it and you might be saying but I don't have time, or that's for people who are woo-woo and spiritual hippy types. Having a daily practice is for everyone. They say if you can't fit it into your life, you need it all the more.

“If you’re reading these words, perhaps it’s because something has kicked open the door for you, and you’re ready to embrace change. It isn’t enough to appreciate change from afar, or only in the abstract, or as something that can happen to other people but not to you. We need to create change for ourselves, in a workable way, as part of our everyday lives.” 
 Sharon Salzberg, The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Programme for Real Happiness

This might be a sign for you to begin a daily practice, get back into one, or revamp your current one. Good news! Did you know a daily practice can be you delighting deliciously in a morning cup of tea or coffee, evening yoga or a trip to the gym before you get home after a long day? Ten minutes of morning prayer, affirmations, beginning the day with journaling or a half hour of joyous dancing can all be coined a daily practice. It has to work for you. If you are extremely active, a daily run by yourself or cycling might be more your cup of tea. An introverted person might choose a stretch of completely private alone time before bed or at the top of the day.

“That deep silence has a melody of its own, a sweetness unknown amid the harsh discords of the world's sounds.” 
― Paul Brunton, The Notebooks of Paul Brunton

A walk on the beach, in the woods or in a beautiful neighborhood can impact on your whole day. String a bunch of days together and your life will change, I promise. Keeping a daily grateful or lucky journal as I like to call it, is a spiritual practice too.

It takes twenty-one days to create a habit and between twenty-eight to thirty, to create a new neural pathway in your brain. Forty days and your GOLDEN!! The benefits of a daily practice like meditation lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, gets rid of wrinkles (the 11's-those lines between your eye brows when you stress) and strengthens your inner-observer, that part of you that simply watches what is happening. Buddha called this detachment, releasing emotion or attachment to what is going on. Detaching from emotions can be deeply calming.  During meditation, it's common to let random thoughts pass like birds in a blue sky, having no opinion or judgement. This skill carries over during intense situations in life, like when the kids are screaming, and you're tired or during an argument with a loved one.

I created a few meditations because I believe so much in the power of them and you might find that being guided through meditation might really work for you allowing you to relax even more deeply. My Kuan Yin meditation is a deep forgiveness and releasing session and my Atlantean Crystal Bed Meditation is a beautiful healing session that completely clears your energy and promotes wellness. I also recommend the meditation music of Mark Watson of AngelEarthMusic. "Waves III" keeps me connected to the Pacific ocean mo matter where I am.

I hope you decide to take on a daily practice. It's an extremely loving act. You deserve it.

What's your daily practice? Maybe you have some delightfully new ones to share.

To serenely beautiful stretches of calm,



  1. I have a daily chat with Ariel, Raphael, and Michael and thank God, the Angels, the Universe and my Higher Soul Self for all the good things I have in this life :)

    1. I love that Linda!! A daily chat with your angels...beautiful. Thanks for your comment.
      XoTatiana :)
