Wake-Up Call www.tatianascavnicky.com

November was one of the hardest months for me that I can remember. As an intuitive, world events-the typhoon, stress here about Obama care in my neck of the woods as well as personal issues, hit hard and my deceased Mom's birthday was Nov. 6th. I am sharing this because we all go through difficult times and you might be right now. You might feel like you've made nothing of your life because you chose to follow your heart, vision and life purpose. It can hurt to think you're considered a failure because you might not drive a certain kind of car, do what others think is the right path, or have a degree. It's so easy to get caught up in how you think people should love you. Deep within us there is part that wants to be accepted from people we've chosen to want that from. It really only sucks you dry, to expect what can't be given. You can't change what others of think of you or of the path you've chosen.

It doesn't matter if you are a vegetarian, juice everyday, do yoga, meditate, get enough sleep, etc., if the thoughts you are thinking... are keeping you unwell. I know people (and I so wish I could be like them) who eat like crap and never practice stress reduction techniques, but they are happy, grateful and take life in stride.

Let yourself feel good in spite of difficulties and KNOW that eventually it will all work out for the very BEST. Do what you can to love yourself through hard times.

I am on a quest to be as well as I possibly can...and believe in myself like I tell everyone else. I will indulge in chocolate cake and an occasional shot of tequila because I deserve it and that can't kill me . 

Follow your heart. Keep in touch with your inner voice. Be the *QUEEN* or *KING* of your own life and PLEASE keep being the expression of the ONE who sent you and gifted you...this planet needs you! 

Oceans of love,




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