☽✩☾New Moon in Aquarius~Super Moon Reading☽✩☾ www.tatianascavnicky.com

The Aquarius SuperMoon is bringing in the magic 
of new beginnings. It's like a Divine confirmation that yes...all those feelings you've felt bubbling up in you are real. A freshness of perspective lingers for definition. The need to strip away all unclean and impure ego thoughts that destroy creativity and transformational joy is non-negotiable.

Aquarius ushers in out-of-the box thinking and a maverick's vision. This is the time to pair your ingenuity and creative genius, with what you love to do for the collective. What you do...what you love to do naturally impacts the greater good, and that is a hallmark Aquarian intention. Strip away the context and hone the gift.

Since November 2103 a great shedding of ages-old skin began and now with this New Moon~Super Moon freedom rings!

Your Reading
Healing Heart-Immediate Past
The last three months have been a natural shedding of people, places and things. Disguised as hurts and trials, these dramas magically disappeared within the blink of an eye. Previous issues marked proceed with caution, have opened up to a whole new way of thinking about things. Construction is finished and the freeway is clear. 

Mermaid Deck ~Doreen Virtue

Break Free~The Present
Picture you driving with the top down, the sun is shining, the wind is whipping through your hair and you literally feel brand new. For no particular reason...you just feel it in your bones and in your heart. You've healed knowing the hurts were all part of the journey. But no past hurt can hurt you now. There is no reason to be scared. You are not alone but feel empowered to strike out on your own, to sprinkle shimmering lights of your God-given talent all over. You are clear that simply doing what you feel called to do, can take on a life of it's own. Strip away the crap that says it must look like this and get to it must feel like this...free, unfettered, brilliant and alive.

Rest~Immediate Future
The third card's image shows a shell cocooning a mermaid child. There are many layers to what this card means. It says focus on the big picture and nurture the goal. The child represents your rebirth, and your new beginning as well the vision, and the gestation of it. Release stress and rest in knowing all is well, as you continue to take guided action, not desperate action. Allow the dream to come, breathe and manifest. Allow space, creativity and rebirth. Allow the need to work into your goals and what you want, to renew you. Allow the challenges that have called you, to grow you.

This is a truly a double new-beginning. Capricorn's New Moon on January 1st brought this sign's determination and drive to reach goals, almost to a fault. January's second New Moon, the SuperMoon helps us begin yet again with the intrinsic originality we were born with, and magic that lives inside us. 

Happy SuperMoon,


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