It's been a bumpy ride. Was the 14th thru the 20th super hard for you? Do you find yourself coincidentally bumping up against people, places, things and things in you from the past?
The first card reflects last week's vibe of allowing and receiving. Have you been around someone lately who pushes and creates unnecessary struggles? In the movie "Spanglish" there is a scene where Tea Leoni, playing the wife, is jogging. As she is coming up the hill she begins yelling at joggers about 40 ft. ahead of her to move to the left, so she can pass...way before she needs to. Does this sound like someone you know? Does this sound like you maybe? (said with love) Take it as a sign of how you don't want to be, or how you prefer not to arrive at your destination...yelling all the way. You can get up the hill, happily walking your dog. You might even be on the phone catching up with a good friend in your latest favest workout clothes.
Begin the week with open and clear energy. This doesn't mean to spread yourself thin, or be all things to all people. It means, be open to the kind of week you wish to have. Now that you exorcised those prickly demons...traits, people, and things from the past, your karma is clean if you want it to be.
That ain't no monkey on your back. The monkey is your monkey-mind as they say, your inner critic, slave-driver or your inner-addictive counselor, saying it's ok to keep smoking and put off "_______" fill in the blank. The world isn't out to get you. It's out for you to get yourself, and have fun creating what you want. Yes you can start over every day. It's not bullshit. But it's an inner-happening. It's subtle and happens over time. When you start over things "out there" don't automatically line up. Then one day you look up to the sky and feel like you are brand new. So chillax. Think happy. Which brings me to our next oracle perfect!
Oracle Card #2: Angel of Divine Timing
This confirms what I mention a lot about being the field. If you build it, it will come. Money doesn't grow on trees but leaves do. Quit trying to force everything. Go with the flow. Take a your cue from the waves in this card's crystal. You are a force of nature, but then there's NATURE and she's pretty beyond comprehension and understanding, so why not co-create with her? Or your Higher Power as you have come to know it. Something happens. Call it magic. Call it alchemy.
Lots of opportunities are on their way to you. This week a few will pop up. And/or these pop ups, are pops for future possibilities. Keep your eyes open and notice the new people that are showing up. They seem to be an answer to your prayers, or a piece of the puzzle.
If your mantra is "I can't trust anyone", or "I'll never be able to do that", then that is what you'll get over and over. Try on one of my favorite mantras, "The Universe conspires on my behalf" or "I am surrounded by good people". You get to say! The right people are on their way to you. Trust the signs.
Oracle Card #3: Angel of Action ~ Red Jasper
At the weeks end, the possibilities are presented and there are a lot, including all the ideas and projects you are up to. This is a good week to take action on projects around the house you have been putting off, like painting, redecorating, organizing, and yard work. You know you have really wanted it to look nice.
Pick a few things to focus on from your to-do list. What is your most important goal? Spend time on that. This card speaks to procrastination. Sometimes procrastination can mean you simply need help. Ask your honey-boo or a friend to help you create that vignette in the yard, or clean out the garage. If your dragging your heels biz-wise, ask for help, hire someone, or complete one step of it. You will feel accomplished and successful at the end of the day, having completed your most important tasks. Taking action creates more energy for action. And you might even find yourself checking lots of things off the list as done this week.
This is a general reading. If you wish to have a detailed and in-depth reading, schedule a session with me here The issues at the forefront of your life will automatically present themselves in an intuitive session, and what you need to know and take action on. Expect to be scheduled for a session within 1- 3 weeks upon booking.
Oracles: Angel Gemstone by Margaret Ann Lembo & Victoria Rose Martin
Lots of love and alchemic prowess!
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