☽✩☾Taurus Full Moon ~November 6th 2014 Oracle Card Reading ☽✩☾ www.tatianascavnicky.com

The Taurus Full Moon sits full and pregnant in the sign of Scorpio asking you to deeply consider what is truly important to you at this time. This event is about aligning your truth with your values at the core! All roads are leading to this place now. Your life has been speaking to you. I can really relate to this. Four and half feet of water in my basement and the aftermath of that event was a wake-up call for me. I knew I had to make some changes and really tune into where I am being called with my music and intuitive work. It's time if you choose to accept this mission (wink wink) to align your goals with what you value and LOVE.

Oracle Card #1 ~ Bast
Bast says do things differently because you can. You are the creator of your world....yes even when other people are in it. Taurus is about security, money, pleasure and passion. What gives you heart wings? What kind of home life do you desire? What brings delight and stability to your love relationships and romantically with your partner? What have you lost sight of? Look deeply at what your needs and desires are now around pleasure, security and finances. Are your resources being drained? Are you giving to much to a relationship financially and/or emotionally? Do you deny yourself time and pleasure? Is the support you give to others one-sided? 

Bast comes to help you continue the journey started this Summer astrologically. Little glimpses became insights. Insights grew into intuitive nudges. You might be feeling physical symptoms now like headaches, stomach aches, back aches...aches in general.. In my experience the things will not leave you alone are your core...your inner self...your intuition....your Soul talking to you. Ask yourself what do I need right now? What is the most important thing I need right now? How do I go about making that happen? What would make my life better? What would make me happy and how do my beloveds fit in? What help might I be denying myself because I think I have to do it all alone? Why can't I let myself off the hook? Write all this down.

Oracle Card #2 ~ Guinevere
Guinevere shows up in the center of this reading as the glue that holds this all together. True love representing our truth... the good, bad and ugly truth. The Scorpio energy around this is intense! What drives us deeply? Who do we love and why? What do we love about ourselves? What do we need to reevaluate and stop doing? Scorpio brings an opportunity for a deep look inside so we can get back in touch with ourselves at the core. 

This is also about embracing our shadow, those parts of ourselves we bear that we don't like about ourselves....the ugly, the inconvenient. You've already begun this process. You are seeing parts of yourself and your character you've never seen before. Light bulbs have been popping on all over the place as a quiet and a self-assured acceptance is growing within. Now you can get down to the roots and live from the inside out. The shadow is also about knowing that things happen in the world that are not pretty, ugly and inconvenient. You can love yourself through what is happening. Don't beat yourself up for how you feel but tend to that. Look for people that love you, not drain you and your resources. 

Oracle Card #3 ~ Hathor
Hathor shows the balance and synthesis of your deepest desires and needs coming to life...being made manifest. Manifesting is thoughts and ideas becoming reality, showing up on the earthly plane. She says allow yourself to receive. Open hands have more room. Dwell in the possibilities of your life. The future is determined by the choices you make now, the ones as simple as every Tuesday I will do yoga. Every Friday night is date night. Every day from this time to this time is mine. If you think you don't even have ten minutes to yourself, i highly recommend using this full moon energy, available to us for three days before and after for a good look at your heart, values and what's really important to you.

In closing I LOVE the journey shown here visually. Bast spreads her arms wide to the petals floating around her, drawing them in, receiving and allowing them. The cats at her right and left represent our desires and pleasure. So many opportunities and so many ways to feel good. Her head is back. Her heart is open and she trusts. 

The flowers are now held in Guinevere's loving embrace. Yes this is what I forgot. This is who I love. This is what I love and need. The blooms represent the blessed and loving act of recognizing what is truly important, and how sacred it is.

And the story continues as the white light coming from deep inside her heart and out of her chest are these desires and values being made manifest in the form of the element of water, something that can be measured and touched. 

Being in touch with what is really important to you brings success, pleasure, money, authenticity and Love to life. 

This is a general reading. If you need answers and support schedule a reading with me for a detailed, personal and in-depth reading session. The issues at the forefront of your life will automatically present themselves. What you need to know and take action on will be clear. Expect to be scheduled for a session within 1-3 weeks upon booking. You can book your session now here. Include your desired time and date, and time zone.

*Oracle: Goddess Deck by Doreen Virtue

Happy Full Moon

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