LOVE & WORK KARMA CLEANSE: Capricorn Full Moon ☽❍☾ July 19th 2016

Capricorn is ruled by the god of karma-Father Time. The coming full moon stirs up a melting pot cauldron of emotion around love and self-care, and the pursuit of happiness through work and ambition. Change is good! Let the big "U" know you are ready! Time to clear karma around work and relationships created through work. Say "bye" to relationships that suck your time and energy. If you have been to one of my events you know the kind of "bye!" I am talking about. Your surrender has probably been duly noted. You may have already done things like change up your schedule because you can feel something in the air. Are you camping out in your tent under the white flag waiting? Protecting yourself from drama-queens and kings? This is a legendary opportunity to be fresh, clean and clear and sassy again. 

The crystal above is an amethyst heart I got from my favorite crystal shop on the Big Island. I wrapped it up in clothes and brought it back in my suitcase on my last trip. Kona Rock & Mineral really does rock. Amethyst is great for clearing and softening your energy and increasing your intuition. Its one of our crystals you can use during this moon phase. 

It may be really intense the next few days or so. In a good way too. Follow the guidance to set goals for work and clear clutter like paperwork at home. People will be going through stuff. Things from the past that need to be sanctioned by you only for forgiveness are highly likely. Here are your mystical add-on's.

Time to revamp life at home and balance work. Who are you at home? Have you gotten away from your core essence? Are schedules and to-do's giving you a sense of accomplishment? Or do you feel as if you will never catch up. Here is the good news and bad won't ever catch up because there will always be things to do. So guess what beautiful? You can let go and relax. The world will not fall apart and hasn't yet. Phew! 

In the arms of this month's cancerian energy we are still leaning into the art of nurturing ourselves and our beloveds. The full moon makes us look at how much we are including ourselves in being caring and nurturing. Hermitting and spending time at home feels good. Cancer and Capricorn are feminine signs. This is an energy of receiving and softening against Capricorn energy...pursuing goals and making things happen. Picture the goats that live on a side of mountain, forever climbing step by step. They are raising other baby goats there too. They keep going.

The red color of our ladybird's dress represents the root chakra, the seat of our security, stability and finances. It is the energy center of our feet, legs, lower pelvis and hips. The stone all around her symbolizes Capricorn earthiness, as an earth sign. The door way to the beautiful mountain view represents this readings guidance to get out and smell the roses and the coffee every once in awhile and have fun. She is holding a crystal! It looks like she is programming her intentions into the crystal. This is full moon ritual. You can do this by grounding and centering yourself with a few breaths. Say a prayer.  Hold your crystal and thinking about what you want to release now that is not working for you. Feel it on your bones and in your body. Take some deep breaths. Give voice to it by saying "Hah!" and forcefully get it out. 

This maiden represents the Goddess. Her robe is royal and red. Roman women had a juno, what they considered their unique and personal female spirit. The goddess Juno was called Regina, which means queen. Treat yourself kindly and well so you may extend yourself to others kindly and well. 

Feel like you getting serious about your career and work? Or even found your life purpose? There is drive to strategize and the need to sit and dream. Stay focused now on your goals especially until the coming new moon. Capricorn is all about goals!

Caps are ambitious, steadfast, loyal and driven. Three days before and after the full moon decide what you would like to go forward with in work, and what you would not. Remember change takes time. Most importantly if you are hanging onto a work disaster or issue from the past, its time to let it go. Its total perfection to journal about this during this moon phase so you can move on. Even if you feel right or victimized...the divorce is final. How can you get on to your next love or job of a lifetime if you are holding onto someone who may not have treated you well. 

If you are enlightened enough and open, which of course you are because you are here, you may already see who you were in that relationship or workplace and how you could've done x and y better. This doesn't mean not being treated well and being blind-sided is OK! But looking at what you learned and how you can be better from it applies to relationships, personal and business-wise right now. True power is in taking responsibility...broken down simply means being able to respond. How could you have better responded? That is where true power lies. 

As well as letting go old work stories, Saturn energy can bring sadness. You may find yourself mourning friends you have lost related to work. If you find yourself grieving the past and how things used to be, know that this is the work of sister moon. New and healthy work opportunities and friendships can now be born. 

Find ways to be free. Forgive the past. Its time to release and let go. You know what you are holding onto and how you would feel if you dropped that sh#t. It doesn't mean its OK, it didn't happen or that things don't ultimately need to change. It just means you won't let it eat you up inside anymore. Jump to the peace train.

☽ Peace

Mother Mary showed up to bring sweet nurturing love and peace representing the Goddess as Great Mother. She along with the goddess Juno rule conception and commitment. Juno is the daughter of taskmaster Saturn. Does your ambition trump taking care of yourself? Or being with your family? Are you taking your sweeties for granted? Again life will not fall apart in an afternoon by the beach, by taking a ten minute break. This moon will help you to create more balance between work and goal-setting and enjoying life and those you adore spending time with. 

On the flip side are you doing everything you can to show them at work how great you are and working late and long hours for some appreciation? We all need to be seen, heard and understood, but you aren't going to get that at work honey. It might be time to ask for a raise, or begin considering what it would be like to move forward. You don't have to make any moves until you are ready. Put it into motion between now and the next new moon. Reinvention takes time. 

If you feel unappreciated take steps to do that for you right away. Nurture yourself and your people. Take time to ponder if you are doing way too much for others at this time and feeling depleted and worn out. Small steps create big change. 

Maybe its time to add a meditation practice? Start with 2-3 minutes in the morning or whenever you have some time. Before bed is beautiful too. If you say you don't have time for meditation you absolutely need it. Find your meditation jam. Journaling or sitting for a time in the morning just appreciating and loving life is a perfect meditation especially if you are strapped for time. Again start with five minutes. Your life will change. 

Time to spread your beautiful peacock feathers. Be big and bright at work, and beautiful and loved at home.

I want you to feel good. I do these oracle card readings to bring you great insight, hope and healing as well as bringing out the beautiful BAD ASS that you are. If you need a personal attention reach out to me. It is amazingly good to get confirmation in an intuitive reading for where you are, why you are there and ultimately what you can do about it. For now share how you feel and what you are thinking after this reading. Reaching out makes things happen. Show the Universe you mean business. I am here for you. 

The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on. If you can change they way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That's the only lasting thing you can create.

~ Chuck Palahniuk

*Oracle cards: By request...Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

Beautiful and sweet Full Moon Vibes to you and yours...

ps. I'm taking my own advice and having a ten minute rest. Come see my latest events! See you soon. 

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