PLANETARY DOORWAY: Virgo New Moon And Solar Eclipse ~ September 1st 2016

A big, bold and beautiful cosmic happening is on the way in the sky. A Virgo New Moon and Solar Eclipse on September 1st parlays to a Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 16th. This is a time portal to come clean (yes Virgos love the word clean) become crystal clear with Virgo's ruler Mercury who reigns communication and thought. What do you want when it comes to how you are taking care of yourself and how you are living life everyday? 

Virgos it will be years before an eclipse comes through our sign. Use this baby. Its all wrapped up in all of Virgo's finest...complete with codes for reincarnating in the body-mind you already have. For Virgos this new moon falls in your first house of health, self, vitality, personality and self image. What have you become and who are you becoming? This new moon's magic is for "everyone" when it comes to health, home, healing, daily life and regimens and what you want to bring in create for your one beautiful life! (This time around.) 

 Angel of Inner Peace & Tranquility
Connect to the Earth and be barefoot on the ground as much as you can in the next two weeks. Lay in the sand or on the ground. In your meditations feel yourself supported by lush earth. Our root chakras govern feet, legs and lower back. This is the chakra for grounding, security and stability. Where can you be more grounded, secure and stable especially when it comes to how you are living your daily life? Are you rushing to get everything done? Are you a mess? Time to slow down. 

The good news is you are not in charge of the world, as much as you think you are, this is simply not true. Life has a way of working itself out. Time to pare down to the bare minimum of what needs to be done so you can minister and attend to yourself. What has not served your health, stamina, future, your very being and your your veritable life simply will not do anymore. First life throws pebbles then it throws rocks. 

Hematite is a beautiful grounding crystal that shines attention on unfulfilled desires of life that may be expressed through addictions. What are you avoiding? What have you made holy? More good news: the more you take care of yourself the stronger you will be. Then you will be able to make changes. 

The iron is hot for change in Virgo's realm. She is a goddess of alchemy, Earth Mother of All. What needs healing and sanctification in your life? Virgo eyes see the potential. Her quicksilver mind organizes and thinks solutions into action. Her body seeks to express high health and healing. Her heart seeks to love and nurture. Her soul is the soul of the Earth. 

You may have already started to change up your daily routines without much thought or care. This is the magical energy present at this time. Discipline that supports your well-being and state of mind, is a form of freedom. Be free. Conquer your clutter and organize your s##t. Start small. Just start. 

Doctors often recommend walking for people who are depressed because movement creates change and healing. Get yourself into a higher and more positive state now. You already know what to do. Pursue the things that have been on your mind. Check out that class. Check out my Fall class line-up  for connecting to your intuition and learning how to read oracle cards. Expand your mind now. Think on what would make you feel and be a better version of yourself...for you, not in service to others. 

Forgive yourself for where you think you should be by now. Retire and bury for good the false hellions named shoulda coulda and woulda. Save your soul and start now. Start over. If there is something you still really want to do perhaps it wasn't the time, or you really don't want to do that thing. Let yourself off the hook today. 

When it comes to beginning the wonderful things you really want to do, its important to start clean. What is at the root of your goal? Do you think if you lose weight you will be more beautiful? If so the work is in claiming your beauty now. Get some new clothes. Paint your toe nails. Do what makes you feel beautiful for you...not someone else's standards. Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. Wear beautiful clothes around the house and adorn yourself. 

If more money and expanding your career is in the queue for you, carry yourself that way now. Look into the expanding your career horizons. And most importantly believe and know it is possible, because it absolutely is! Retire and bury for good older versions of you from the past that simply never resurrected. It hasn't happened because its not supposed to. You are meant for more. Something bigger and relevant to NOW! The past is gone. Thank Goddess. 

Forgive anyone and anything you need to at this time between now and the 16th. Make a list. This can be really intense so get support if you need it. Reach out. Know that your soul was never and is not ever meant to be a temple of resentment, pining and aching. Pray, meditate and burn lovely incense at the temple of your shiny, light, clean and clear spirit. 

There is a reason why you are hanging on the past. Figure it out. Patterns that keep coming up in relationships can be healed. If you need help, getting traditional counseling and/or getting a personal reading can help you immensely and give you the tools to move on and give relief to start the healing. 

 Flame Tree ~ The Start of Something New
Say what? The start of something new? Hell Yes! The tree in this card represents Virgo and her Earth energy. An eclipsed moon rises in between two trees, symbolizing the September eclipses. I am constantly blown away by how the card images mirror and support these readings. Stay focused on thoughts and daily activities that make you feel good. Refine your regimen to serve you and others. You can still do for others without giving away a piece of your lung or chunk of your wallet. 

This card is number 30 in its deck breaking down to three, the number of Earth. What you do now will impact your life in the future. You are laying the roots. Be steady and grounded like Earth. Some of you just need to slow down and give yourself three minutes of deep breathing daily. 

I love how the trees on this last card seem to be hugging each other. There is great love for us from Mother Earth and Sister Moon. We have been shown our shadow side. Its a good thing. We know what we have to watch out for. A few days before and after the 16th the shedding and emotional tension of what is being built and what needs to fall away will be present. We will dive deep into that in the upcoming Pisces Lunar Eclipse Oracle Card Reading. Be sure to visit me here for meditations to support you and more. 

I am excited for you and have such high hopes. Let the sun and moon do its magic on you. 

*Oracle Cards: Angel Gemstone Cards, Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards & Gaia Oracle

Your Virgo Goddess
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