Your Weekly Mantra: I AM Deeply Connected To The Earth, Sun, Moon And Stars

Juskteez Vu

We are intrinsically and cosmically connected to the sun, moon and stars and fundamentally to our beautiful Mother Earth. It is impossible to ignore the way we feel on a mountain crest or at the water's edge. Something deep within turns and tumbles with love and wordless deep recognition at the rising moon above the ocean as our ancestors did before us. It is mythical really to contemplate the connection we have to the world around us, and the many galaxies of the skies.

The new moon solar eclipse on its way September 1st is already working its Virgoan mojo. Stay tuned for your oracle reading here. The potential for wonderworking between the new moon solar eclipse and full moon lunar eclipse this month is huge. Virgos get a bad rap being called out for perfectionism but Virgo is the sign associated with alchemy. She says through the beauty of what we believe life can be and hope for as truth, we transform it.

So as you feel the deep connection to the stars at night know you are made of the same stuff. Use new moons for creating and manifesting, and full moons for release and shedding of the old. There is a reason there are more accidents and emergency visits during the full moon. This is REAL! Let the force of All-That-Is and Mother Nature deeply touch and impact your life. 

Without Earth we wouldn't have a home. The sun fuels our bodies with healing light giving us the vitamin D we need. We need the sun. It heals us and sustains life on the planet. We need the moon and the quiet of the night to be restored and dream. We need the stars to remind us of who we are.

Have a beautiful week and I will see you  back here for your oracle card reading of this epic new moon solar eclipse.

Xo Your Virgo Goddess

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