Black Moon Lilith ~Libra New Moon Sept. 30th /Oct.1st 2016


A super-feminine Black Moon gives us yet another chance in September to plant the seeds of our desires. Black moons as they are called are when there are two new moons in a month. The balance of me and we is at hand and heart. Lilith, kicked out of the Garden of Eden for refusing to lay underneath Adam brings light to the shadow of repressed desires and the pursuit of equality and justice. Sometimes we have to fight for creative and personal freedom and this black moon can show us where and how. And it's worth it.

☽ Mawu
Our first card signifies the Mother Goddess, the ultra-feminine energy of this new moon. Believed to have created all life, Mawu is an African Moon Goddess of natural laws and passion. Her ritual invocation was the sacred act of lovemaking, then seeds were planted in her honor. 

Life is created in the womb, in the void. Often the words on the cards do not always apply to the reading. The image here is at the forefront. Mawu is sun and moon goddess who holds the Earth. She is also a goddess of joy signifying Jupiter entering Libra. How is your world off balance? 

Where are you giving your power away in your world? Where have you been a doormat? Where are you carrying anger or resentment? Have you crushed the fierce beauty of your sexuality, fearing it might make others uncomfortable? Lilith rebel rouses for equality and justice. She is a freedom fighter going against the grain to find her own fierce independence. 

Your jealousy and envy are nuggets of gold. These are shadow gifts. Look to where you are jealous or envious of other women and even men. Your envy of someone else's time to be able to go on vacation, or get to the spa or yoga is sign to do that for yourself. ASAP!

Lilith also represents the repressed side of the feminine. A patriarchal culture has shunned a natural, unstoppable, and adept force of woman, her intuition. Women were burned at the stake for being intuitive or for being witches and because they aroused sexual desire in men. Women are often called bitches, if they are not always nice or to characterize how they run a successful business. They're called selfish because they've committed to a calling or because they take time to treat themselves like the goddesses they are.  

Sometimes you have to be tough and not give a flying f**k if you have offended someone. I was once in a band where a guy drummer told me I had a huge ego because I am a natural-born performer and front person. He was intimidated by my strength and talent. I did not shrink. 

This new moon gives space for letting go of troubling emotions. Face your shadow and all the emotions that come with that. You can't spray perfume over s**t. You've got to clean it up and face what you don't want to deal with. What habits are dimming down your life force? How does the habit make you feel? Find another way to create it. Get support. 

What emotions come up or patterns continually in personal relationships? Perhaps now you can see the truth about yourself, your flaws, your imperfections, where you have been terrible to yourself and to others. Embrace your pain. Acknowledge your journey. Welcome the parts of you that have walked the valley of death, the treacherous parts of life. Give them comfort. A place to rest, heal and be vulnerable. Welcome them home to safety and refuge. 

This moon phase truly allows for a full dismantling of what you have been trying to let go of. That little still small intuitive voice gently urging since August's end/September's beginning...whispering all you have to do is decide. How beautiful life would be?  

☽ Isolt
Time to beautify your life and your body as Libra is ruled by the Goddess of Love & Beauty Venus/Aphrodite. The image of Isolt personifies her here. Wear beautiful things. Be good to your body. Put flowers around the house and welcome the joy of life in. Be good to yourself. Be loving. Bring sensuality to everyday.

Good fortune planet Jupiter entered Libra September 9th bringing love, light and expansion to our relationships. Is there evidence of love and harmony? Cultivate common goals with your beloved. Allow love, peace and joy in. Libra shines a light on how we come together with others with peace and the power flowing within that.  

Some of you might be looking at the glass ceiling of your love life and also of current friendships. Maybe you can't go any further with a beloved because they have refused to grow or see and honor your growth. Maybe your transformation is threatening. Perhaps you are just seeing it for the first time. Or you can see where you have not been compassionate or fair.

Does it scare you to allow love, harmony and balance in relationship? This would be an element of the shadow. Where does it come from? Trace it back. See that you are not that person now. 

☽ Abundantia
Fall Equinox is here represented by the cornucopia of blessings. Jupiter brought expansion and abundance symbolized here in the form of Norse goddess Abundantia of prosperity and success of time, opportunites and money. As the 10th month of the year, October is also a 1 month in numerology.

1 + 0 = 10 reducing to 1. 
2016 is a 9 year, a year of completion. 
2+0+1+6 = 9

1 signifies the beginning.

This is a potent time to look at what your goals are for the next 6 months, especially between now and the end of the year. What has been a distraction? What is keeping you from the kind of day you'd like to have? Are the weekends getting away from you? Spreading yourself thin will chip away at your energy. 

What is working and getting results in business? Where are you making progress? Create an overarching intention, a vision now at the time of the new moon. The second one this month at that!! You might take a look at your new moon intentions created on the Virgo Solar Eclipse on the 1st. Does anything need tweeking? 

Don't be afraid to take time to make decisions. Choosing to not decide is still a choice and can feel right. 

Embrace love, light and joy now especially as we move into October. Know that all manner of abundance is available to you. Love yourself. Love all of you. Don't deny the shadow parts of yourself and all that you have learned from life so far. I often say I want to learn from those who have had to deal with real life tragedy and how they pulled themselves out of the wreckage. How victimized and justifiably resentful people decide to forgive and move on to save their own souls, their suffering and story becoming the medicine that heals them. That's warrior my friends. 

I do these oracle card readings to bring you great insight, hope and healing as well as bringing out the beautiful BAD ASS that you are. If you need a personal attention reach out to me. It is amazingly good to get confirmation in an intuitive reading for where you are, why you are there and ultimately what you can do about it. For now share how you feel and what you are thinking after this reading. Reaching out makes things happen. I am here for you. Talk to me in the comments below or chat me up.

*Oracle Cards: Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue

May you be blessed and fortunate,
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