ORACLE CARD MAGIC, LOVE + FREEDOM: Gemini Rising New Moon Supermoon ~ May 25th 2017

A Gemini New Moon Super Moon hangs low. Gemini energy is busy, fun and playful. Be ready for a steady stream of thoughts and ideas around this lunation. Gem's are always thinking. They are the writers and project managers of the Zodiac. I am a Gem Rising so I can relate, but I digress, as one would during this phase. I reached into my magic box of decks for different cards to give you this reading. A Gemini New Moon oracle card reading must have fairy energy and earth energy, as we shall see! 

Quiet Time
Nature is calling. Find a lovely spot to journal. Sit for ideas. You may have a lot of them. Gemini is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, so it's a good time to let your ideas and feelings flow. The fairy in this card sits happily in nature. Fairies are connected to the earth. The red-orange color of this card represents Mars. The planet of action, desire and energy is nicely rooted in Taurus, giving some ground and rooting to what we want. Gemini energy can be frenetic. Take to nature to hear the softer voice within, that tells of soul level wants. 

New Moons are for creating and wish-magic. You can build now, step by step. Write your wishes and desires down. Let them come freely. Pick two or three that you want to focus on. Look for what lights you up and what you feel your body calling you towards. Watch for the slight tug in your belly. Take steps on the ones you chose. 

You might feel like you have ants in your pants, or feel like running from something you can't put your finger on. If you do, move your body. Take a walk or do some kind of exercise, if you are cleared by your doctor. Yoga, meditation and walking in nature is good. I'm feeling that crazy energy as I'm writing to you! I had to take a break and workout. I'm back, but still feeling Gemini twin indecision. A few times I've wanted to completely start over and even revamp the way I've been writing these oracle card readings. 

Oh how we are during this New Moon! Yet again, the cards do their oracle magic perfectly. Two flowers on either side of this lovely lady's head represent the Gemini twins. They are the inspired thoughts sparked by this New Moon. If you know a Gemini, you know they sometimes have a hard time making up their minds, which makes perfect sense, since they are of two minds. You may have lots of information coming in now about a lot of different things related to your life. Cowslips, the flowers in this image, are called "our lady's keys". They say a new future has come-a-calling. 

The last full moon in Scorpio helped us release a lot of funky stuff. If you asked for that, you may have experienced a lot of releasing. This New Moon is activating inner-child healing. It's perfect when you think about it, may have been super emotionally intense. Scorpio puts us in touch with the deep-down underneath stuff fueling what we want to let go of. False and hurtful voices from the past can keep you from your future. They can keep you in the rat race, at a soul-sucking job, or in a dead end relationship. Or more simply, but equally as soul-sucking, feeling lost and confused.  

First of all, you don't have to do it all by yourself. Reach out to someone you trust who you can totally be yourself and authentic with. Let your guard down. Unseen help is always there. Your spiritual posse is there to support you. God/dess is there for you. If you have been experiencing a heaviness in your body, intense emotions or feeling lost, what I am about to share might really help. I often go through parts of this process in an intuitive reading, if childhood wounds came up around the questions and issues that come up. 

When you find yourself feeling really emotionally triggered or charged, lean into it. Meet that feeling. Allow it and ask yourself when did I first feel this? Who was I with? As you lean in, more details will come. Rather than shut it down with happy thoughts, acknowledge that it was right for you to feel that way as a child. It was right to feel bad to be left alone for long periods of time. It's right to feel like you didn't matter if you could never live up to your parent's expectations. Let your inner child be free to feel. Then become the parent and acknowledge your inner-child at that level. Be especially loving and kind towards yourself. 

Of course intuitive readings aren't professional counseling, but they can work really well together. It's an act of courage to reach out for help. If you are really overwhelmed, I highly recommend working with a therapist. Counseling or a traditional life coaching may not be what helps you get in touch with your intuition, your life path, or your Divine Nature. But all these supportive pieces together can be critical when you are being brave and doing inner-work. So if you need help... don't hesitate to reach out to me. Which brings me to the last oracle card...

Flame Tree
Gemini is an air sign and fire needs air to burn! Air is the element of thoughts, ideas and inspiration. Looking at this card's image we see that the fire is contained within two big trees. This means so many things! June's Full Moon will be in the fire sign of Sagittarius. Between now and June 9th, it is a super potent time to build methodically on the ideas that light your fire! The flame tree signals again the rush of ideas that will flow when we open up to the creative forces of life. As children we were constantly creating. Let that part of you fly free. 

Lastly the two trees here symbolize relationships. Watch for jealousy and possessiveness, and disagreements around money. Arguments may erupt. Communicate openly. Feelings of insecurities around feeling loved and valued may come up too. Show yourself extreme compassion and love. Know that no matter what you are feeling, you are going to be ok. A great vibration of sweet and heart opening love comes with this new moon. Let her wrap you in her arms and cradle you in moonlight love.

Gemini is bringing on the fire! Tap into it by having fun and being playful. Flirt! This is a good time to be with your siblings, goddess sistah friends and homies. Recreation is re-creation. Relax and enjoy friends, inspiration and life. Be excited for what is to come.

Oracle Cards: Fairy Deck ~ Doreen Virtue, Vintage Oracle ~ Victoria Moseley, Gaia Oracle ~ Toni Carmine Salerno

Super New Moon Blessings!
ps. I am taking requests now for new recorded meditations. Let me know what you'd like.

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