Shoot for the Stars: Fortunate Blessings + Self-Mastery ~ Sagittarius Full Moon June 9th 2017

I feel so expansive and wide open under a Sagittarius full moon. I felt it pulling me open last night sitting under the oaks on a perfectly stellar late evening, when the shade looks like color over the emerald green grass, and the sun is still high. This is a visionary moon phase. Can you feel it? One to let go in and trip ahead to realms of possibility. Jupiter the planet of fortunate blessings is coming back online after going retrograde in February. Ever-renewable inspiration and self-mastery to create the future shoots stars down from the sky.

This card tells of the past and the realizations of life, how things stop and start and how they sometimes turn out better than we hoped, and not as we hoped. She represents the paradox of the planetary earth experience of being spiritual and Divine. We are superheroes and heroines and yet sometimes we feel like we can't do a damn thing right! You may have your head down, and to the grindstone as of late, trying to make sense of it all and digest. But you've done it with a sense of grace and wisdom. 

The good news is, Sagittarius brings freedom and innovation. He rules travel, higher learning and quests, philosophy, religion and human rights. There has got to be another way and there is. If you have been feeling lost, direction to navigate your course for the future is at hand. Sag is the archer. Where would you like to take aim? Where have you given up and lost your faith? Be compassionate of feeling vulnerability and know that at the same time, something wonderful this way comes. La Luna shall light the way. You can open your eyes.  

A true and perfect card for a Sagittarius Full Moon! Many have the travel bug now. Make plans to see places you have always wanted to visit. Discovery and exploration are on the menu. Might be time to change up your routine if you can't get away just yet, or leave for a small spell, a day trip or overnight jaunt. Feed the fire of excitement. There is a feeling of expansion in the heart for new places, ways of living and what is true or not true anymore. Rebellious and innovative forces inspire us to restructure our lives and try new things. We may want to get a little crazy and go overboard. Some people have just had it! They've gone by the rules of what they've been told to believe and are fed up. If that is how you are feeling, that is good, because you are making your own rules. Self-government is important on so many levels now. The word sovereignty comes to mind. 

Fire sign Sagittarius might make you do impulsive things out of this frustration. You might want to make big moves. Celebrate and be energized for the future and let this full moon do it's releasing work. Come full circle with what's just not working for you anymore. Father Time, Saturn is helping us to develop our inner-authority. You can take your time, and create a new plan. Follow inner-guidance to change up your morning routine and daily schedule. 

Sag wants to know the meaning of life and enjoy it at the same time. Three geishas represent the famous saying, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". Sagittarius leans forward, ready to release it's bow. Its ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, plenty, optimism, luck and blessings. Hang out there now, in the field of possibility. What brings you confidence and makes you stand taller? 

Life purpose is another key theme for this full moon. We are being called to higher meaning and truth of things...and our own "truth". Why am I here? What did I come to do? How can I work that in with enjoyment and excitement? Be ready for flashes of creative insight and intuition. It's time to project yourself and your gifts out into the world. Shine!  

Jupiter also represents understanding through knowledge. What big lessons have you learned over the last 2 years? The Japanese proverb "Three Wise Monkeys" shown on our last card can also mean taking a look at what you have turned a blind eye to and where you may have been irresponsible or reckless. Hang in there. You'll never get it all done so make room in your to-do list for fun and new things to pursue. When you are doing what you love and spending time those you enjoy and love, it makes it all so much better and worthwhile!

A name whose roots mean heavenly, or of the stars. An extra card of good portent for new beginnings. Look to the stars for all that is new, fresh and full of life. 

It's a perfect moon for moonlit dancing, dinners with friends and bonfires. Make a list of things you want to leave behind and **safely** throw into the flames. We'll be cranking the Led Zeppelin songs here by the fire in my neck of the woods and going to see friends who are playing this weekend. I'll let you know if we see the season's first fireflies.

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom~Victoria Moseley
photo: Allef Vinicius

If you loved this reading please share it with your friends and anyone who needs to hear it. This is a general full moon oracle card reading. For personal one-on-one in-depth and personal sessions don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

Lots of Love & Magical Full Moon Blessings,
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