Capricorn Full Moon: Follow Your True North ~ July 8th/9th 2017

Hold onto your hats! A pluto-powered full moon intensely pushes us to redefine what we need when it comes to our emotional needs, family and our roots. Relationship power struggles my erupt. He provides super transformational power for life-altering structures and goals, putting us on the path to our true north. This moon is also a call to pay homage to our fathers and teachers, here and gone, who have helped and guided us along the way. 

Red poppies symbolize pluto's reign of death and renewal, and remembrance for mentors, fathers and father figures. The color red represents earth, and our connection to our roots and family, survival and security. Be sure to get out in nature this full moon. Get outside. Walk barefoot in the earth. Sit and feel her healing powers. Get grounded in what you need to feel rooted, literally and metaphorically. Maybe you just need some time now. Maybe you need to let go of a long standing conflict. If you've been betrayed or had issues of broken trust, know that this doesn't have to be part of your future.  

You might be questioning how you got "here". Life gets more and more fast-paced and technologically driven everyday. So much so, we can be completely unaware of how disconnected we are, in our heads and out-of-body. That's what being ungrounded means. It may feel like you've lost sight of where you thought you were headed, and what was important to you. Honor your need for quiet, even for a few minutes. Do nothing, or take a rest. Create space and time to figure things out, especially between now and the next new moon. 

The need for boundaries is highlighted now. How can we stay true to ourselves and still be connected to collective beliefs that we have chosen to live by from the past? We crave personal authenticity. Balance what you deeply need and what's culturally driving you. 

Get rid of what isn't alignment with who you are now. I had the urge to completely change my altar and I created a second one in my office. We are in the sign of Cancer which rules family and home. It's a good time to make some changes in your house. Update your wardrobe. You might feel the need to change your look.

A beautiful card to appreciate and acknowledge those who mentor and guide you. Those still here and ones who have passed. Show gratitude. Feel it deep in your heart. Show love for your spiritual posse. This card is an intuitive sign to show reverence to ascended masters. They are spiritually enlightened people like Buddha, Jesus, Saint Germaine, Paramahansa Yogananda and White Eagle. People that have gone through spiritual transformations or initiations. This is a super masculine full moon, but there are feminine ascended masters to show gratitude for as well. Of course! Thank your spiritual posse for all they do for you. Receiving their guidance can bring feelings of deep peace and safety. 

Capricorn is the Father of the zodiac. It's a good time to let your Dad know how much he means to you. But Father issues may be rearing their gnarly heads. Need to have a talk with your Dad? Now is a good time. Get clear on how you feel and what you need to say ahead of time. If your Dad has passed, you can write a letter and safely burn it. We redo father issues in our love relationships. Your feelings will show you important info why you have chosen certain people to partner with. If Dad neglected you, or was gone a lot, you may choose unavailable men or partners. If he was ill, or an alcoholic and you took care of him, you might take care of others and not take care of yourself. Wow this is a big full moon!

Time to grow up and into ourselves. Following your true north means following your inner compass. Keep what is authentic to you, but get rid of shit that keeps you spinning. It's grown up to choose not think a certain way anymore. Your deeply held beliefs are up for review and in question. You may decide that going to a church is not feeding you spiritually anymore and you long for something deeper. Big changes in our beliefs are in the queue. You are involved in your destiny my dear. 

Drama can only keep you from your true north. Try to avoid arguments and detach. Cut ties or the time you spend with drama-driven people. Emotions will be strong and intense for the next few weeks or so, because we are in the sign of Cancer and from the aspects of this Full Moon. Let things play out and settle before doing anything. But do connect within to how you are feeling, and why something bothers you. Especially the deep stuff. Sit with it a bit. Emotions will be strong and intense for the next few weeks or so, because we are in the sign of Cancer and from the aspects of this Full Moon. Transformation is not pretty. It's not an instant makeover. Just keep at it, and soon you will look behind you and see how much you've been shifting all along. 

I had my first official performance in two years last night. I've been singing professionally since the age of 15, (I said I was 18). I haven't been able to sing for two years because of health issues. I shared a deeply personal post about this here. It's dated May 7th. If you are going through a health crisis, it might give you some hope and I would love that. I couldn't breathe the morning of the show. I had prepared and rehearsed, but still felt this huge heaviness in my throat and chest. I couldn't meditate so I just laid down and gave in. I tuned into the feeling and where it was in my body. I started to cry. I asked where is this coming from? Yes. It was about getting back and if I would be ok physically onstage. But as I dug deeper, I found it was more so about not having anyone as a young child to talk to when I was scared. My Mom took me to a recital once. I would play the piano for hours practicing after dinner. I took lessons for years. I was terrified to play all by myself in front of an audience. I needed her to to help me relax. To tell me I played well, and I would do great no matter what, and she would be listening. There was no talking. Just a super quiet car ride. Nothing to calm my fears. I was too young to know how to support myself. I realized in the now, today...what was going on. I was nervous yes, but I wasn't terrified. I just kept talking to myself like a loving and super-supportive parent. It also helped that so many people that I loved and adored were at the performance, and they cheered me on. 

Capricorn is aligned celestially with the sea-goat, but is related to the mountain goat who climbs up the steep side of the mountain, step by step, till it reaches its destination. Take it slow, think it out. Set long-term goals and ones that really matter in the grand scheme. Be authentic and stay true to yourself and what is precious to you. Share this reading with anyone who may need it. 

I'd love for you to join me Tuesday July 11th for my first Facebook Live broadcast. Join me here to get a mini-reading and choose a card. 

Oracle Cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley, Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue

Have a lovely full moon!

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