Virgo New Moon ♍ Everyday Magic ☽❍☾ September 19/20th 2017

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus are in Virgo, reigning queen and sorceress of practical magic and all-seeing eye for the craft of detail. Plant your seeds and cast your wishes. Virgo energy rules your daily routines, especially in the areas of health, well-being and personal transformation. New Moons are "always" new beginnings, and that is such a beautiful thing! Time to clean up toxicity. Cleanse and purify body, mind and spirit. Purge and clean out house and home. Use this Virgo energy to recreate, reinvent and restore yourself. She makes it easy. Let's see what the cards have to say...

Kindred Spirits
Two lovely geishas hold hands underneath a beautiful blue-green butterfly. This is a healing color. There is huge potential for healing for this moon phase, at many levels. Butterflies are a universal symbol of transformation and freedom. Virgo rules health, healing, well-being and personal transformation. Virgo is healer, priestess, counselor, fixer, queen of details, and witch. Virgo is ruled by Mercury making them "the" writers of the zodiac as well. Their minds are a superpower. Careful to get mentally overwhelmed and overstimulated now. The two girls represent becoming your own best friend and confidante. It's easy to show deep compassion for others. Shine that light and attention back on yourself. Be your own best friend. 

A bell jar freezes a memory in time. Perhaps a beautiful, happy time or possibly an innocent time from the past. You might be feeling the need to get back to the place where you threw caution to the wind and let your wildness out. One of the best ways to get back to the wilding within, is walking around naked and dancing. Another one is singing at the top of your lungs, or screaming to your heart's content out in nature. As children we screamed on playgrounds, played dress-up and howled at the moon on Halloween. Find this fierce and free part of yourself again. Uncage and untame yourself! If you are feeling stuck right now, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Together we can figure it out and get you back in the groove. 

In the context of this reading, kindred spirits reflects paying special attention to daily habits and practices, schedules and health regimens. You might feel compelled to start a new (doctor approved) workout regimen or diet. Virgo,for the most part, is keenly wired to the energy of food, and how it makes you feel. You might feel called to go vegan or vegetarian, or pescatarian, or reduce certain kinds of food. Follow the hits and hunches you are getting to take better care of yourself. Maybe it's time to get a check-up. Repetitive thoughts and feelings about your health and well-being are your inner-guru speaking to you

The letter behind the girls symbolizes writing a desire list. During New Moons we plant seeds. Writing is a powerful manifestation tool. When done around the time of the New Moon, it is highly charged. Wield the power of your pen with the intention of your heart. Make a manifestation list, rooted in what your heart really wants deeply and desires. What is behind wanting more money, creativity, time or energy? If you want more time, let the Universe know now, by your intention. Carving out ten minutes for yourself in a 24 hour day, is creating time intentionally. From there, your desire for more time can be cultivated. 

I can't help but feel like this maiden is the personification of Virgo. The original meaning of the word "virgin' was a girl who was a law unto herself. She was self-governed and autonomous. Goddesses of the hunt, the moon and nature, Artemis and Diana are the ultimate representation of this girl, free and untamed. Diana is the Roman goddess and Artemis, is her Greek personification. She talked to the animals and could control them. 

This girl also possesses an innocence. She welcomes the cycles of things to come in the form of butterflies. She holds a golden goblet marked with starlight. Keep your head towards the heavens and wish upon the stars. When you do, you are the believer of your dreams and you are the believer of dreams for others. The way you live your life affects others. The hope and faith you have for your life intoxicates and rubs off on others. Gratitude is a force of nature. Everything that you have done and lived through up until this point, has made you who you are, and it is good. Crown yourself extremely loved and fortunate. Celebrate you and the good things that have already come. This practice creates more space for what is to come for you, and what you want. 

The next four months will be highly charged magically, as we move into the Fall Equinox happening in a few days and into the season of the thinning of the veil between heaven and earth in October, and into the end of this year. Virgo is all about making lists. Time to make lists for what you want to do and accomplish. 

Clean up. All the flowers on her dress symbolize adorning our bodies with love and respect through good health practices and healing things, like massages, or reiki, or using meditation and music for healing. Protect yourself from energy vampires. Cleanse toxic thoughts. Virgo represents cleanliness and order. There is magic in cleaning up your house. If you can't do a deep cleaning yet, at least dust and clean your floors, or hire someone to the dirty work for you. Open all your windows, play some great music. Do the feng shui cure for stagnant energy and clap in every corner of the home. Burn a little sage and incense. 

This card represents the intense healing that could happen around this new moon. Usually full moons are for releasing, but certain astrological aspects from Chiron, the wounded healer could bring up old and nasty wounds that still hurt to be touched. I had a huge a-ha moment today during my journal time. It blew the doors open for me and gave me profound clarity about a personal situation. Wounds from past lives and disturbingly painful childhood wounds may intensify, especially if you have asked for healing. If you are exploring your spirituality and claiming the power of your innate intuition you might be aware now, bit by bit, of past lives coming to the forefront of your awareness. You might remember being burned as a witch or priestess, or ostracized as a warrior for refusing to kill women and children in the name of war. You might not feel things like this at all, but still feel sadness you can't really name. Allow it to be and surface. 

I sometimes stuff my feelings with a little too much food. The Mother of Jesus, Mary represents the nurturing Mother we all have within. Virgo rules wellness and well-being. She is a symbol for the Great Mother Gaia as well. Virgo is an Earth sign. Time to ground ourselves and find peace. This card signifies those daily practices to restore centeredness and wholeness. Your soul has messages for you always. Could you practice stillness at least once a day? It could be through meditation or simply watching the sunrise. We are walking human beings not walking human doings. 

This card is also another sign to take great care of yourself. To put new regimens into place and heal yourself through being kind and good to yourself not just others. This New Moon carries the power to create pattern interrupts. Yes we can create new patterns. And sometimes simply getting up and walking away for a second, or calling a friend can stop the process. 

The mother here touches on so many things. Mothering ourselves, letting Mother Nature heal us, connecting to the nurturing mother and healer side, of the sign of Virgo. Nourish yourself at this time. Depending on what hemisphere you are in, you might be feeling called to adjust your diet to sync up with the season. Southern Hemisphere folk are moving into a vibrant and brand new Spring. Northerners into magically charged Autumn. I've been adding more soups and stews, pumpkin and sweet potatoes and cooking my food to make it heavier. It suits me for blood type, my system and my astrological sign. It's so cool how we naturally tune into the seasons. 

Here is a list of special Virgo-specific magical to-do's to move energy and cleanse your space between now and the end of the year. Start with the first one if you can. 

*Clean out your medicine cabinet. This is highly auspicious on a Virgo New Moon!

*Clean out your refrigerator and freezer. 

*Organize and clean out your pantry.

*Clean up your office. Throw away papers. Organize your file and clear clutter out of the corners.

*Clean your basement floors or attic floors. Remove clutter.

*Clean out your closet and get rid of old clothes you don't wear anymore.

*Clean out your jewelry box and drawers. 

Be kind and gentle. Lean into your magic. It's the perfect time to connect with your people especially your magically-minded peeps. Speaking of which, I'd love for you to join me for my upcoming Facebook LIVE event happening Wednesday at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT, 5 pm MT.  It's going to be so much fun! 

But my dear, if you are wanting to get a one-on-one reading come join the Mystic Moon Circle. This is an exclusive private event for a group of 13. I'll be pulling cards for each of you, and giving you a personal mini-reading. These circles are powerful as we gather together. You will get lots of support for yourself from listening to the rest of the groups readings. We will convene in a private facebook group created for our moon circle. Let's get together and have fun!

How to Join the Circle     

*Join me on Facebook here right away or private message me there. This is where we will be meeting.

*Grab your spot Here As soon as I get your ticket you can be added to the group!! 

*Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom~Victoria Moseley

Happy New Moon! May it be really special for you and I hope to spend part of it with you.

ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
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