Gemini SuperMoon: 11 Activation ☽❍☾ Time to Fly Free ~ Sunday Dec. 3rd/4th 2017

Early this morning, the energy of the upcoming Supermoon in quicksilver sign of Gemini took hold of me. Originally, I was only going to share a few links with you for the full moon. I travelled this past week for the Holiday and had a whirlwind November. I arrived home with a superbug, I am sure was made in a lab somewhere, containing a tiny molecule of chemical warfare experimentation. But, my GemRising did indeed rise, making me want to share a little something about this lunation with you. This full moon has "11" stamped all over it. If you have been seeing the number 11 lately, it's likely it's a sign for your future, and I'm going to get into that. I am a total believer in the power of numbers and I offer Day of Birth Numerology Reports by request. 

Here is the 11 number magic for this supermoon, which is the closest to the Earth since 1948. The Full Moon will be at 11° in Gemini, opposite the Sun in Sagittarius at 11°. Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, optimism and inspired ideals will be at 11°. Neptune ruler of dreams, illusions and deep thought is also at 11°. The final player in this mix is Mercury going retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius. Numbers reduce in numerology, breaking down 29 like this. 2+9 = 11°. 

Why is the number 11 so important? In numerology, 11 is a gateway number, a portal. Our last really significant portal was August's Leo Total New Moon Solar Eclipse  Are you aware of how much you have changed since then? I feel like I am a completely different person. If it feels like ever since then that things have been really hard for you, it could be that you just haven't been ready to make changes, or you can't see the way yet, and that is ok. Walk through this full moon gateway now and trust that you can leave the past behind you.  

Gemini rules thoughts, ideas and communication. The number 11 as a sign, means to watch your thoughts for you are a powerful creator! All these 11's are giving us another phenomenal opportunity to choose!  You can make change in the face of how life seems to be right now, because you want to. 

Change is inevitable. Big change is on the horizon. A new year in fact. The barn owl represents a journey into the unknown. Goddess Athena, the greek goddess of war and strategy comes through with this card letting you know, you will know what to do. Athena is also a gemini goddess. Think things through. Take thought out steps. Gemini rules communication. Careful to say something you regret. Words can be cutting and cruel. Misunderstandings and strained strained communication may happen. 

Be ready for huge realizations and aha moments in the areas of love relationships, partnerships and friends, as well as clear and enlightening insight into who we are in relationships. You might get positive flashes of insight, like how your past has made you proud of who you are, and how much you love your parents. You may experience beautiful insight into how they undoubtedly influenced you. Or, difficult issues like divorce and abuse reveal their traces to who you are now even more deeply. See them with love and compassion towards yourself. 

Some will be releasing relationships or feel it's time to begin that process. The New Year can make us feel pressure to make changes. The message of this full moon is to go with the flow and let go. This is the last full moon of this year. Release the weight of this year. Wait, let me say that again. Release the weight of this year. Time to fly free. Bye!

Writing, or anything to do with communication is on highlight now in Gemini's domain. Full moons are for release. Rather than creating any kind of resolutions right now, or at all, I highly recommend getting in touch with what you want to let go of. If you need to forgive someone, do it asap. Do it for you and you only. I wish I could've seen how I feel now, about issues from the past that I needed to let go of. They don't even matter now. They actually carry a golden nugget of truth and treasure for me. The hardest things you go through make their mark on you for sure. But they can also bring you alive and bring you back to life. They reveal your character and bring out fierce strengths you have always carried within you. Allow yourself time to reflect on who you are now because of what you have been through. It's pretty amazing my dear and you earned it!

I've heard people say that they'll never trust anyone ever again, because a lover or friend betrayed them. How incredibly sad and tragic. Or, they'll carry the pain and deep resentment of a family member who has passed on as some kind of honor, or responsibility. Don't give your heart over to resentment and resignations clutches. It will poison and steel your heart's very life blood. Because it's so hard to let go, some people will not allow themselves to treasure and enjoy the gift of life when someone they love has passed on. They feel they are somehow dishonoring them. Our loved ones move on and they are free. You can honor your loved one's life by living for everyone who is still here, and for the life you still have to live. 

Anticipate a bright future. Previously stalled projects get back up and running. Ideas are afoot. Listen to music and get into the spirit of the season. Here is a full moon ritualBreak out your journal. Light a candle or two **safely**. Take a few deep breaths and write. What are you releasing? Who are you releasing? What is true for you at this time? What do you need to say about how your future? What do you need to let go of to make way for the future? Express your heart. Come clean and let go. 

The future's so bright       
you gotta wear shades.

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

May this full moon shine down on you with love and magic...
 ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
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