5 Tips to Holiday Bliss www.tatianascavnicky.com

From time to time especially during the Holidays, we may feel worn out and tired. It's natural to have cycles of energy. Because the Holidays can pack a little more pressure on our energy reserves, it's important to balance rest along with ways to increase our vitality. Create a blissed-out Holiday with these fun and easy tips.

Indulge Yourself
Get a massage, treat yourself to a pedicure or nights out with friends. Hire a baby-sitter and go out with your honey. It's easy to get caught up in everything we "have" to do and put ourselves on the back burner especially if we have a family. Do you really need to organize the bathroom cabinet before the Holidays? Do something out of the ordinary like meeting a friend for a spontaneous drink or impromptu spa trip with the girls.

Plan Your Holiday Celebration
Create the whole picture in your mind down to the silverware you'll use or not use. I'm not a fanatic about lists, but this is a good time of year to be a list maker. What will you need for the big day? Make your grocery list now. How many people are coming over? If you are invited out, how many gifts will you be taking? Put aside hostess and host gifts right now. Gather bottles of wine, treats and gift wrapping. Do little tasks here and there from your list. Give your family members tasks that you feel comfortable entrusting them with. Have Daddy help them clean up their rooms.Ask him what he'd like to handle? If you are buying gifts online its time to get your orders in. If you are sending gifts through the post. Check out this source for recommended dates to get your packages to your loved ones by Dec. 25th.

Envision How You Want to Feel 
Intention is everything. Take time to see your celebration going smoothly and beautifully. It can be a challenge to not get caught up in the Season's hustle and bustle. And if you're sensitive you might find yourself getting cranky and agitated in traffic or at a busy store, even if you were in a great Holiday-inspired mood. Trust that family and friends will enjoy the time you spend together. See yourself and everyone smiling, calm and happy. Hold this feeling-vision in your heart.

Nurture Your Spirit
Be sure to take naps and rest. Give your yourself quiet time. Practice meditation or simple relaxation. Close your eyes and simply surrender to the moment. If you're not a meditator, watch a movie you love, read a book, get some fresh air or make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. Go the bookstore and buy yourself a book. Visit your favorite local bakery for a treat. Let yourself feel well and peaceful. 

Give Back 
If you've ever volunteered or been able to donate time or money to a great cause such as your local women's shelter or animal shelter, you know the rush of love and joy it gives  to be able to help someone else. There is nothing like it! Donate to Hurricane Sandy victims. They desperately need our help. Here is a link to the Red Cross. The animals stranded and still estranged from their owners can use our support too. Support them Here.

Your vitality is a precious resource. Use these tips along with your own to feel healthy, invigorated and well this Season.

Happy Holidays!

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