Delicious and Divine from theDailyGem #22

I was so inspired watching the latest episode of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. I like to make Sunday my day to get my spirit on. Sunday is my day, as often as I can swing it, to take care of myself and do whatever I want to do. I stole this from a very good friend of mine who reads "theDailyGem", Susan Dintino. My honey made me an amazing breakfast. Add my "must have" coffee to Super Soul Sunday and I am a happy to high-heaven girl! 

Today's talk touched on having a spiritual practice. Each guest, Gabrielle Bernstein, Marie Forleo and Mastin Kipp shared their type of practice. I loved Marie's the best. She said every morning, she and her beloved as she calls him, have tea in bed with their dog and start the day together talking and being grateful. Maybe her beloved is her dog? I'm not really sure. But how delicious and divine? Delicious and divine sound wonderful together don't they? 

The term "spiritual practice" scares people away sometimes, like it has to be an austere and serious spiritual event, or you must bend your body into a pretzel during yoga to really be doing a true spiritual practice. Consider the woman or man down the street who always smiles and says hello or good morning, or that person at work who wears a smile and it feels good just to be in their presence. I believe those examples are a spiritual practice as well. Being present, giving and expressing gratefulness are a form of practice. 
So if you're not the type to bend your body into various shapes of the alphabet as a spiritual practice, or meditating (yes, which I highly recommend as you know) you might take on silently wishing amazing blessings to everyone you come in contact with for the next month, or beginning your day with a short focus on being grateful for all that you have and for all the blessings already on there way.

What's your form of practice? I think it's refreshing to change it up from time to time. Let's talk "spiritual practice" in the comments below. 

Xo Tatiana

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