Happy Gemini Full MOON December 2013! www.tatianascavnicky.com

I can't believe it's the last full moon of 2013. Coming home from Christmas shopping last night I saw it, crystal clear and beaming in the cold black winter sky. I wonder when a full moon feels good to me. Usually it's because it's in my sun, rising or moon part of my astrological chart. 

This full moon is shaking up our perceptions. Emotions will flow like the tide and you may feel sensitive for three days after today as well. Harmony can be found within conflict as intense feelings come in and out, like waves. If you've been holding onto something, it may come up full-on during this moon phase to be released. Use this full moon to clear it away. 

There are so many moon rituals and no right or wrong way to do them. Make up your own. One of my most favorite rituals was my beloved and I celebrating by putting on Led Zeppelin and lighting every candle I had in the house on my mantle. It was gorgeous! We toasted with full moon spirits and danced. I shouted what I wanted to let go of while "Dancing Days" played on ten.

My chart is full of mercury, the messenger who rules Virgo (my sun) and Gemini (my rising). This makes me super highly mental. I often feel like my mind is a super-computer and won't shut down. I'm used to this...as I laugh to myself, but I'm not used to it really. There is a perfect example of the duality of Gemini. A Gemini full moon can bring on anxiety and mental unrest and you might feel jittery. It may feel like your mind is spinning in circles. I talk myself through things in meditation as if I'm getting advice from a big sister, tuning in and listening. It really helps me calm down. 

Dipali Desai says 
“This particular full moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. What was stuck may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow. Allow this. Be with it as loving as possible with your self and others.

The Gemini twins represent the duality and mental nature. They can often question which choice to make, or if the right decision is being made. Where are you on the fence about something important to you? The close of this year is an opportune time to figure out a plan, or simply how you really feel about something. Feeling it (as this moon will bring things up), will help you be with it so you can figure it out within. This is such a profound, and yet simple process that has changed my life. More choices will pop up into your mind as to what you might want to do because the emotional clutter is sorted out by your simple attention to it.

“The potential of the Full Moon in Gemini is to become aware of where you are engaging in dualistic thought, emotions and behaviors on auto-pilot. This may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the Universe. ~Desali Desai

This moon phase is also about "communication" with those closest to us. Are we being real and authentic? What do we want to create? Are we pretending or tolerating behavior that is not ok? Peace keepers may hold back to the point of letting themselves be doormats. You can say a whole lot, with a lot of kindness. Taking things personally can shut down real and true connection too. Imagine hearing something you don't want to hear in a lovely British accent. 

Sarah Varcas says it poignantly here. 
“Communication in all its forms is a deeply complex matter and this moon asks us to consider ours and what we really hope to achieve by it. Because with Uranus now turning direct there is change to be embodied and freedom to be embraced. Not the controlled freedom of surface peace and polite tolerance but the radical, boundary shaking freedom of radical truth and awakened authenticity..”

I end with a beautiful message from Kelley Rosano and a free gift at the end of this post.
“The Gemini Full Moon message is to celebrate your victories. Take a moment to pause. The pause is important. The pause empowers your health, well-being and vitality. Celebrate what you have learned. Celebrate your growth. Celebrate how far you have come…”

Yes babelicious! Celebrate. This has been such a big year for releasing emotional stuff. This moon phase brings it to a head. You've met your "stuff" and what no longer serves the vibration you want to be at constantly. For me, it feels like a creation of a new "state-of-being" as we come into the the New Year. It's less about the goals, and more about how we want to feel and be. We set out to be in that clear, conscious and joyful state...as we embark on the shores of 2014 and what our hearts call us to do.

I created a meditation especially for you, to ease the stress of the season and create your best Holiday ever. Download it HERE!!

How will you celebrate the full moon? And what are you releasing? Claiming and naming is the beginning. Share with me with your comments below.

Happy Holidays and Much Love,


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