Angel on Your Shoulder: Evidence of Heaven

I left my house on the way to yet another dentist appointment. I was upset and felt so weak. How could I be having all of these issues? How could I help others if I can't help myself. I knew there were things I had to let go of and absolutely could not change. 2013 was the year of karmic-balancing. That is a really nice way to say: all your shit came up to rear it's ugly head like Godzilla in your neighborhood. You will take cover. Expect to rebuild. 

If you read my blog, you know by now I am Virgo-Sun, Gemini-Rising. As much as I counsel and guide others in my practice that worry is useless and solves nothing, I still tend to obsess. I need meditation and physical exercise. If I miss too much exercise because I am sick, I worry that I will be more sick because I couldn't exercise. I am a super-sensitive intuitive em-path and I cannot function without regular exercise, meditation, self-reflection and downtime. My sensitivity makes one a great psychic, but not so great a girlfriend sometimes. 

There was a lot coming up for me to let go that I could get on the horse (it's the year of the Horse in Chinese Astrology, by the way), commit to finishing my album, the next one (that's already called to me with a name, and songs), and all the other projects I am guided to do. But how could I move forward if I felt so physically and emotionally challenged? How could I claim to help others if I was a total mess?!

Evidence: Sign #1
This will be good for me to get out, I told myself. I felt small and vulnerable in my car on the way to yet another health appointment. I had done a show over the weekend sick with the flu. My guidance said wait to exercise, and let myself be and get well. Record low weather temps and still recovering from feeling emotionally drained didn't help. I was getting the clear message to simplify my life and re-evaluate the relationships I was devoting time to. I found that I was being lax on my normal energetic boundaries I need as an introvert and as a creative person. I am completely devoted to what I feel my mission is on the planet, and keeping myself vibrating high for my assignments. 

I see as I walk towards the office door a place called Nona's. Nona means Grandmother in Italian and that is what I called my Grandmother. I had the distinct feeling of being watched over by my ancestors and not being alone. They heard me I thought.

Evidence: Sign #2
Will I turn into my Mother who was "always" sick? I cried and prayed on the way. Please God help me be strong. I have to be strong. I can be strong. Do I even need to go to this doctor? Am I doing the right thing? A message confirmation of 44 came up as I had canceled a previous appointment. 44 in angel numbers means you are surrounded by angels. 

I arrive at the doctor's office and everyone greets me with a smile and says hello. There is really good music playing, I start to relax. I am so glad I came to this office. It turns out I don't need a root canal. My symptoms are from work done at a recent appointment.

Evidence: Sign #3
I stop off at the local grocery store for things I needed. I saw myself doing a weight work-out later. I could still do it and get one in, even though it would be much later than my usual work-out time. At least I was feeling up to it! In the store one of the songs Mark Watson and I cover in our shows came on the store pa, "My Love is Alive" by Gary Wright. Another sign I was heard and even Mark was with me too.

"Well I think it's time to get ready to realize just what I have found. I have been only half of what I am. It's all clear to me now. My heart is on fire. My soul's like a wheel that's turning. My Love is Alive...". I am instantly inspired and feel touched. I think the Universe has heard me. ~lyrics from "My Love is Alive", Gary Wright

Evidence: Sign #4
I leave the store on my usual ride home and look over to the license plate next to me to see the word Bug. Mark says you don't give yourself  nickname, someone else does. I chose "June bug" and still wish he would call me "Bug". I instantly think of my Mother who passed. When she found out my wish, she did call me Bug a few times. I knew she was with me too, watching over me and I could hear her laugh calling me "Bug". I always want to talk to her when I feel overwhelmed and sick. I also knew Spirit was affectionately calling me by my nickname.  

I've started really calling on my angels again, specifically Archangel Michael, to cut energetic ties and help me be strong. I feel my angels are always around me and they wait for us to ask before they can intervene. These signs prove not only that prayers are heard, but that our Angels and guides, hear us too and talk back.



  1. Hello Rock Goddess and friend <3

    I love this post. It's honest and also brings to our awareness that the higher realms really are with us in such a tangible way, especially as we struggle with our humanness. I am a Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon,(with a Pisces Rising that offers no help with that) so I know exactly what you speak of. Meditation and exercise has helped me immensely with such things too. Love to you. ~E

  2. HI Eileen! It is so amazing to be touched by Spirit especially when it's so needed. Thanks for posting Virgo sistah! XoTatiana
