Your 2014 TOOL-Kit and Tips to Create Lasting Change

The year has officially started! It's the year of the Horse in Chinese Astrology. Are you riding yours yet? Are you coasting a bit? I recently did a New Year Reading with a strong message to "simplify" for the year. Aaaaah....that feels good to me. If you didn't catch that reading click HERE.

The New Year has us all buzzing about change. We really do want to change, but by now many resolutions were put away with the X-mas tree and decorations. Don't beat yourself up! I repeat: don't beat yourself up. I believe getting to the heart of why you want, what you want is the key. Here are five tips to create lasting change this year!

★ The Tips 

#1  FEEL it! How do you want to feel this year? Begin simply with thinking about what you want deep within. What do you crave? Freedom? Feeling accomplished? Peace? Wealth? Vibrant Health? Time to Be? Time with friends? Expansion? Love? Journal or meditate on this.

#2  MANTRA: Choose a phrase that describes an over-arching intention about how you want to feel this year, or 3-5 words you can make your mantra. Here a few to get your wheels turning.

★ "Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & in the Flow!"
★ " Hot, Happy, Loved & Successful."
★ "Fired Up, Purpose-driven, Affluent & Inspired!"
★ " I AM vibrantly healthy and wealthy, successful and prolific."
★  "I AM laser-focused on my intentions and I live from a place of joy, fulfilling my career goals!"
★  " I AM peaceful, harmonious and free."

#3 INSPIRED ACTION: Choose actions and behaviors that support your intention. If you've chosen to feel vibrant and healthy... and you already FEEL that in your bones, you will more than likely want to add doctor-recommended exercise as an action. If you chose peace, harmony and freedom, daily meditation will follow your intention naturally. Simply saying " I AM peaceful, harmonious and free", a few times with your eyes closed is a form of meditation!!

#4 COMMIT to how you want to feel first and foremost, and do that! Then choose actions and behaviors that support your deepest needs. You may discover the pull you feel to create projects is about the "body of work" you have been called to create. Starting from that deep intention to leave your mark is much different than starting from the place of  "I must write 5 blog posts a week!"

Don't go crazy! I know someone who never works out, is on lots of medications for his health, and binge eats at night. He really wants to change and be healthier. His doctor has given him the ok as he is on lots of medications like high-blood pressure, sugar meds etc. His plan was to work-out twice a day, morning and night, eat 3 healthy frozen meals daily and stop drinking 2-3 glasses of wine every night. As much as I supported him and want him to feel better and be healthy, I intuitively knew his New Year's resolution was not going to be successful. He had chosen way too much at once. He isn't a client and this wasn't a reading, so I didn't coach him and recommend he commit to working out just once a day to start, 5-6 times weekly and allow a glass of wine if he'd worked out and eaten well that day. I like the idea of having a choice. I feel much freer that way.

An accountability buddy is a great tool too when you have a significant amount of weight to lose. My mind raced with snack options to have on hand that felt a little like cheating, or making healthier deserts like a protein shake with organic blueberries, greek yogurt, a bit of apple or banana for sweetness, and a milk alternative like almond, rice or coconut. But I kept my mouth shut, and supported him while visions of dark chocolate bites with cup of coffee danced in my head.

#5 MENTORS: Find people that are doing what you want to do, and get inspiration from them! Connect with them on Facebook. Work with a mentor or intuitive coach personally. Get books that support your over-arching intention and goals, and devour them. Connect with others who are on your path with you, or create your own group. Get an accountability buddy and support each other!

★ The TOOL-Kit ★ 
I put all my guided meditations together for you in package for this year to help you create lasting change. 

This a $73 value I'm offering for only $27 till Jan. 31st.
From manifestation and well-being, to clearing and releasing. 
Get your TOOL-Kit HERE

Xo Tatiana

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