★Pisces ~www.tatianascavnicky.com

Artist Unknown ~Google Images

The astrological sign Pisces has long been associated with the moon. Pisceans are dreamers, misty-eyed, uber-creative and sensitive. Their keen and sensory make-up make them excellent psychics and artists. If you are a Pisces you might already be aware of your ability to ride great waves of emotion of blissful joy and happiness, to deep dark waters of depression and  feelings of despair. One of your challenges might be learning to ride the waves, and hopefully not be taken away by your emotions to places of difficult insecurity and loneliness. Not to worry sweet Pisces you will bounce back if you want to.

Artists..musicians, painters, etc are known to have an artistic temperament. As a singer-songwriter, and writer I totally agree. When I am down, I am really down and when I'm up life is good! Ma-jor good! Your emotions feed your artist and mystical self. They also make you a true and loving friend, and a pain in the ass at times.

Pisces people are great motivators and supporters of those they love. Their acute senses make them super aware of the emotions of those around them; not just loved ones but clients and work acquaintances as well. They make great counselors, teachers, and coaches. Often what they do is born out what they love, and being of service. A Pisces will rock at being a healer or any "intuitive" modality if they can separate the emotions that come from those they take of, with their own. 

Goddess Selene~Artist Unknown Google Images

Goddess Selene rules the moon, sleep and dreams. In Latin she is known as Luna. She is the ethereally beautiful young woman seen gracefully riding a crescent moon, and as the beautiful winged-goddess wearing a crown. Selene's intuitive domain of sleep and dreams aligns to Pisces' emotional and mystical nature. She is changeable like Pisces' "quality" is mutable. You are adaptable my dear. Mother Goddess Selene can help nurture you through sensitive times and to embrace vulnerability.

*Selenite, named after this moon goddess, was one of the first minerals formed from evaporating salt water in land locked bodies isolated from the open ocean. 

*More Selene crystals: moonstone and labradorite. Green jasper is another good stone for balancing Pisces energy.

The Moon Card~Gringonneur Tarot

In Tarot the Moon card-the light of the realm of shadow and night represents Pisces. The water-born swim the depths of what lays in between what we know, what we know that we don't want to know, and what what we don't know yet. In the Tarot, the Moon represents illusion and possible deception. Our emotions...sadness, fear and anxiety come from our perceptions. Yes betrayal, heartache, and loss are all a part of Earth realm, but we can deceive ourselves. In the "Never Ending Story" Atreyu must pass through the "Swamp of Sadness" to reach his destination. Don't wander too long there.

Mermaids and Pisces are akin to one another. The constellation is usually depicted as two fish connected at the tail, or two mermaids. The watery and sublime depths of the ocean is the realm of mermaids and of Pisces. Mermaids swim the waters, like Pisces' ride the waves of their emotion and intuitive nature. Water literally represents emotion. 

If you are part mer your affinity for the ocean, whales, and dolphins is an obvious Pisces-Mermaid connection. An intimate soul connection with your beloved is also a Pisces trait as they crave having that deep soul-stirring love relationship. Being in love is really important. Superficiality is not an option when it comes to real love for Pisces and Mer people. 

Are you wondering if you are a mer or part mer? Here are some mer-characteristics:

* They crave water
* They like to have their feet up
* Studies show they often have wavy hair with reddish tones or highlights and like to wear it long.
* They can feel cold.
*Mer people feel connected to Lemuria and Atlantis

(You can find out more about your realm in Doreen Virtue's "Realms of Earth Angels".)

Your "forces of nature" to call on and aid a delicate and extremely artistic Pisces nature.

Artemis goddess of nature and the moon, is the protector of wildlife and children. This image has always represented Artemis for me. She's stealth and strong yet quick to protect. Her independent energy and easy solitude can help balance a Pisces temperament. Artemis goddess energy is focused. She is aware of her identity and can help you hang on to yours as well as being grounded in your body. She calls you to forests and to the land to balance your watery nature. Pisces people love beautiful and peaceful surroundings where they can restore and reconnect. 

When hanging out with people you're not in alignment with, Archangel Michael...who I call the "bad-ass" angel, and Artemis can be a tough security posse for work situations, parties, functions as well as family get-togethers and events, where you know you'll have to "deal". Yes you can take on these obligatory occasions with a positive attitude and pull up your big-girl Pisces panties but the truth is, it wears you out. As a Pisces, you undoubtedly have heard a million times from family and friends how you take everything too personally and you are way too sensitive. Bring in the troops for protection, for times of vulnerability and even shyness. There is absolutely nothing wrong with shyness and feeling anxious. Often it is a sign to take care of yourself and establish boundaries, or question a relationship. As you check in more you'll get to know what's a hit and what is releasing and riding emotion. 

Have compassion for your sensitivity. For the better part of my years, I felt shy in all places where I wasn't singing. The only place I felt at home, grounded and powerful was on stage, so I can relate to super-sensitivity. I use it for giving intuitive readings now and I allow it to be with me on stage. Not just during emoting a song, but as part of the whole. Super-sensitivity is a super-power when it comes down to it. Think super-strength, super-intelligent, super-aware, super-loving.

*Connect to Artemis by spending time in a forest, or a place with lots of trees and green grass. Sit and soak up the beauty and feel the support of the Earth.

*Artemis crystals: garnet and quartz crystal. My picks for her would be red jasper and green moss agate.

Aphrodite~Cris De Lara

Aphrodite said to be older than time, emerged from the ocean a fully formed mythically beautiful woman, naked and riding a scallop shell. Born from the sea of instincts, her presence is the manifestation of pure and passionate love. Plato said love is associated to Aphrodite, prophecy to Apollo, the mysteries to Dionysus and poetry to the Muses.Her symbols are the dolphin, the dove, the swan, the rose, and the sparrow. She wears a magical girdle around her hips which can charm those she desires to want her. 

Pictures speak to the subconscious mind and our intuitive nature. During  intuitive readings, universally known symbolic images such as hearts or shells, are signposts to deeper things, exclusive to the person getting the reading. I am very drawn to the image of her girdle, which I have never noticed before. Symbolically it makes me think of a rope or belt, land-locking Pisces to the Earth realm. 

She seems to say, "feast your eyes on the delights of Earth Pisces. I came from the water too. There are beautiful robes to adorn your body if you wish, and pleasures to indulge in the moment." Aphrodite's sensuality represents being in your body and enjoying the moment, in the here and now. Her domain is sensuality, love and beauty, and includes all of nature. Embrace the charms of life...love, the sensual expression of it between romantic partners, being on the Earth, music, art, food, wine, poetry...be here and enjoy life for awhile before riding the watery depths again. Aphrodite can help Pisces back to the Earth and into the body.

*Connect to Aphrodite through belly dancing, enjoying food and enjoying the others and through intimacy with your loved one. 

*Her crystals are rose quartz, smoky quartz and garnet.

Embrace your beautiful sensitivity and remember to enjoy the pleasure of life dear Pisces. 

What's your realm? Were you so happy to know like I was? It made total sense to me. Let's talk in the comments. What's my realm? Hint:wink-wink.

Your Virgo Goddess,



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