Pisces New Moon Oracle Card Reading~March 1st 2014 www.tatianascavnicky.com

I was having a hugely deep conversation with my boyfriend. Concepts like what's it all for, and I know I need to rest but what am I called to spend my time on, swam together with thoughts of My Mom's passing and the reality that one day I will leave this planet too. I could see on his face, even as the creator of music and meditation master, and spiritual guy that he is, I was getting too deep for him.

I woke up feeling like it could be a magical day. I wanted to feel connected to my life deeply. The Pisces New Moon mystery is brewing and I feel it deeply. 

"...give over to the great mysteries of life – love, synchronicity, miracles, déjà vu, art, intuition, healing…” Pat Liles
Have you been feeling like I have? Like something big, totally brand new and beyond my conception is coming? It's as if I am in the womb literally. I feel lost and I can't see the signposts ahead. With so many creative projects on my plate, I wonder what I should focus on. My ego doesn't like this place. It doesn't even want to go shopping. It just wants to confuse me and tell me where I am, and what I am feeling is wrong. My Virgo-Sun, Gemini-Rising wants to do something, quickly.

I do want to look at pictures and take in the images of my new Rider-Waite Tarot deck. I do want to watch Downton Abbey and do whatever I can from bed, including writing. So here is your New Moon Oracle Card Reading. Mermaids are deeply connected to Pisces so I'm using Doreen Virtue's Mermaid Deck. 

Oracle Card #1~the Past: Break Free
A cloud covers the dolphin getting ready to jump out of the ocean water. It depicts the feminine presence of an angel or goddess realm to me and Pisces our New Moon host, is feminine energy. It's presence here speaks to our need to "Break Free" from the past and start anew. 

As I've mentioned in previous oracle card readings for this year, we want to begin our new lives and are truly looking to Spirit and our Spiritual Posse first, to show us the path truest to the mission born within us. We intend to get out of our own way.

The dolphin is a symbol of joy. With moon energy it means: feminine, conception, hidden power, intuition and dreams. It also means being "of two worlds at once" fish and mammal. In the context of this reading it means to be in this world looking to what is next and divining it, allowing the messages to make themselves known...as they always do. Pisces represents the feet. With one foot in the water of creation, and the other on the ground we look to the future and align with the Divine Mystery. 

Oracle Card #2~the Present: You're Being Helped 
This Card #2 confirms that yes, our prayers are heard. What we long to know will make itself known. The information we are seeking will come in the form of people, images, books that fall off the shelf and more. The young mermaid girl riding the dolphin on card #2 symbolically is a brand new baby...think new idea, concept, way of living, being, and beginning again. It is a time to start again, to reset. Your urge to reboot at a much deeper level is Pisces touching the subconscious. Trump that with Pisces being the end of the astrological year.

"The waters of Pisces symbolize the fluid, enchanted, illusionary realm of the Imagination, the source of Spirit within us…” Cathy Pagano

The dolphin also represents the concept of yin and yang, and masculine and feminine energy.The little mermaid's dolphin bends to descend to meet the dolphin gliding easily and harmoniously at the ocean floor, another sign of looking to our intuition and those deeper urgings for guidance.

Every new moon holds the possibility of change. It's truly monotonous and cliche to add, that this is an opportunity to let go of what holds you back. But what "shit" is still riding on your shoulders. What thoughts are sabotaging you. Where you sabotage yourself is the perfect place to look. 

New moon phase is a ‘seed point’ symbolism which suggests a time to start fresh or place loving intention within the subconscious". ~ Depali Desai

Oracle Card #3~the Future: Rest
How perfect is the imagery of this card? Yet another young mermaid cocooning in a shell on a bed of new grass.  New seeds have been planted. Mother Ocean gently brings the future, the new beginning to the shore, to Mother Earth's plane of manifestation. The colors of the ground in card #3 are red, orange and yellow, the colors of Earth and of the lower chakras. Earth meets spirit. Subconscious meets conscious. Inaction meets Action. Feminine meets Masculine.

As powerful manifestors we want evidence "yesterday" of our wishes. We want the candy in the candy store so we can get more candy, but it's chill time till the Spring. 

Divine Harmony says "this time of beingness and of deep creation is like detention for the ego."

Does that mean to stay in bed till Spring or do nothing that applies to the future? No. It means to cultivate the concept of allowing. Other words for that might be listening or waiting. We are balancing feel and doing.

"When we enter Pisces’ domain, the Cosmic Story tells us to let go of society’s rules and the Ego’s needs (not my will but Thine) and go back to the Source."~Cathy Pagano

Continue to hold your deepest desires and wishes. Know that vulnerable requests of prayer, and private moments talking to Spirit are always heard. Your Spiritual Posse is very real and on your side. Just as you might feel a deceased loved one talk to you, or touch you on the shoulder, your team is right there waiting for your call to request their assistance.

Happy New Beginning,



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