Weekly Mantra: I Stand For Peace www.tatianascavnicky.com

"I Stand For Peace."

I have an Animal Advocate Page on FB and give regularly to shelters, the ASPCA and Humane Society. Everyday I am in horror of the choices and actions of my Human family. Isis has launched yet another attack and will continue as other attacks continue to happen around the world. I do not understand the need to kill and terrorize.

But I am in awe and deep gratitude for the members of my family who speak out, and give of their time and resources to those who need it to the victims of these great tragedies...created by other humans. I am in deep gratitude for the service men and women who give up their lives to protect us. 

I am grateful for those that diffuse arguments on all levels because they can see the bigger picture. I strive to do this everyday as I feel it's a great lesson, and one I came here to learn. This does not mean to let people walk all over you in the guise of service and love. This does not mean staying in an abusive situation or giving all of yourself away for points in heaven. It means choosing where we have our power. Our power is in love and peace. 

A truly powerful person has a core of peace and conviction that touches everyone around them. Sometimes, it's your neighborhood grocery store clerk who smiles, says hello, and chats you up that makes your day. Or the smile of a small child, or an elderly person who you know it took everything in them to just get out of the house.

This doesn't mean you never get angry. How can we not be angry at terrorism? 

YES...this is your weekly mantra.

I've gone off. Off the rails... 

I WILL NOT give up on peace. I will not stop believing in grace, the power of gratitude and miracles...everyday epic and cosmically epic. I cannot give up on more of the planet seeing the light. I wish for dog fighting to be a thing of the past. I wish that the government would stop sonar testing in the oceans, destroying it's inhabitants and the sensitive ears of the singers of the ocean, whales. I have to believe eventually they'll get it together and stop poisoning our water, resources and blowing up the planet for coal and oil, when we can harness wind, electric and solar energy. So I recycle. I filter my water. I don't squander water, gas and electricity. I have to hope for the future, not disdain and despair. I do what I can.

I can't give up on the disappearance of racism, and the end to hate crimes and terrorism to gay people. I will not give up on the end of crimes and abuse against women and children, of which I am one. I will not stop hoping for people that shop at the supermarket to buy humanely raised meat, dairy and non-GMO produce! (the hate crime against our planet) 

I believe that if enough of us have the same wishes and desires change will happen because of who we are, and the choices we make. Tyson would go out of business if enough people consciously and actively stopped buying their products. 

I have no tolerance for all this ridiculous ranting about Starbucks's red cup while all of this crap is going on in the world, and people are starving, murdered and in need of medical care. Seriously do you really think Jesus would give a thought to Starbucks Christmas marketing? I think he would be off demonstrating peace somewhere as all great and powerful thinkers like Buddha, the Dalai Lama and in some form of activism like Mother Theresa were. 

I don't care what religion your is...spirituality is loving your divinity, and recognizing and honoring it in others, which ultimately creates Peace. It's about having a conscience. If we did that it would be a different world. 

So I stand for peace and for peaceful activism. I can create change by the choices I make, the spirit with which I choose to walk in and by praying for peace. We MUST pray and not turn our backs on what is happening. We have to be peaceful and cultivate peace as much as we can. I will not be angry at my peaceful Muslim brothers and sisters. I send love, prayers and compassion to the victims in Paris, Kenya and in countries around the world I am not aware of yet, as well as basements, boardrooms, bedrooms, animal fighting rings, animal laboratory testing labs, slaughterhouses, etc. After air strikes, peaceful and protective systems must be put in place in Syria. I pray and shower beams of white light to terror. 

Only light and love and cancel out hate. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

I stand for peace in the face of terrorism, in the face of terrible odds and abuse. I stand for what I know is right in my heart, in my conscience, my Spirit and my mind. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, for countless wars and terrorist acts are done in the name of religion. It's about peace. 

I pray for more heaven on earth.

In love and peace, I love you and thank you for being here with me every week. 


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