Your Weekly Mantra: I Give Myself The Gift Of Freedom

Contemplating the end of another year can bring up all kinds of emotions and pressure. Maybe if we could conjure up a really good year we might just get it right. I got two huge full color advertisements from gyms in my area offering memberships. The beginning of the year is not a good time to make a long list of all the things you think you "should" be doing. If you do want to create a vision for the future, gift yourself the freedom to choose what would really impact you at a soul level. Something that would really make a difference for you that you value deeply. Pick 5-10, then narrow it down to your top three. If that is tough, think of how you would guide your sister or best friend to choose.

A person very dear to me said his plan for the year was to simply stay focused and in the zone, cause the last three were crazy. I've talked to so many people who have gone through some of the worst times in the last 3 years. I'm coming out and sharing that I was hit with debilitating anxiety on stage starting last year at this time. Singing and performing on stage has always been the place where I felt the most at home and secure. This sacred safe zone all but disappeared this past year...blowing my mind and center of gravity. I plan to say more about this in the future and share more deeply how I am getting my stage legs back.  

My point is this. Choose something for the coming year that gives you the feeling of freedom in your soul. Go to the gym or start working out (if your doctor says its ok) because you really want to feel good inside, because you want to feel light and free and be around for your loved ones for a long time. Don't do it because you think if you were thinner, then your life would be wonderful and perfect and so would you. You are already perfect and I bet your life is pretty wonderful already. Choose a healthier body to feel even more amazing and get yourself some new clothes, underwear, boots or accessories that make you feel gorgeous now. Don't wait to recognize how beautiful you are or treat yourself! 

I like the idea of picking a mantra for the year. You give a mantra more power the more you say it. 100 repetitions of "I focus on the good stuff" is going to bring you good stuff! Here are a few to try on for size. Check into how they make you feel. 

* I focus on the good stuff.

* Happiness is an inside job that I can do.

* Everyday I discover wonderful ways to be grateful.

* I will be a better listener.

* I am gorgeous, talented and super-sexy.

* I'm happy, grateful & deeply loved.

* I can do what I set my mind and heart to.

* I am guided by the Divine Force and optimism in all things.

* I will learn to let go and forgive more easily.

* I am surrounded by so many loving and supportive people in my life helping me to have even more faith and confidence in myself.

* I am healthy, happy, strong, beautiful and confident. 

* I speak my mind easily and communicate what I want and need.

* I love, honor and respect myself.

* I am so happy and grateful to be doing what I love! I have such a great life.

* I say Yes to life!

* I give myself the gift of freedom.

* I am happy, healthy and successful in 2016!

* I choose to have fun and be a positive person.

* I give myself the gift of an excellent year!

One of my personal favorites is, "The Universe is conspiring on my behalf." Yeay baby!

Science now confirms that spending just two minutes a day on visualizing your goals or journaling about a happy experience can change your inborn happiness set point. Is it really that easy? 2 minutes a day? Studies show that 2 minutes a day of positive focus make you 40% more likely to get a promotion. Harvard Professor Shawn Achor an author, speaker and researcher of Positive Psychology said on Oprah's Super Soul Sessions said these simple two minute practices have helped people suffering from chronic debilitating diseases decrease their pain medication by 50%. I don't know about you but that is life-altering, alchemical magic. What could a 30 minutes a day do? Imagine the possibilities.

Don't we have to work really hard to be happy? Don't we have to struggle and suffer? I don't think so. Yes we will ultimately commit to what we want and that can take a lot of "dedication and showing up". You might feel some flack coming your way when you choose to prioritize your happiness. Other people can get downright cut throat and judgmental towards people who "choose" to lead more chilled out lives. 

Guilt creeps in and lays down the "shoulds". You should be doing this and should be doing that. It's good to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. That might be a good mantra for the year. But do yourself the favor of ditching stretching yourself to thin. 

Cut the chains off your feet and let go of the habits that no longer serve you. Make your mantra I feel so alive and happy when I (exercise, meditate, write every morning, volunteer, eat fresh food, spend time with family.. etc) Move towards people, places and things that light you up. Move towards freedom within. Latch onto love. My mantra this year might just be "I feel happy, safe and free onstage". That would be enough and everything for me in 2016. 

Lots of Love & Mantra Magic,
ps. I put gifts under my tree for you! My Holiday specials are live till Jan 1st. Contact me here and I'll send you your gifts.

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