FIRE POWERED LEO NEW MOON: Shine Like A Diamond & Be Bold ~ July 23rd 2017

The stars and planets are on fire! Sun, moon, Mercury, Mars, north node and New Moon are in Leo. Eclipse Season has officially begun. We are compelled to move forward. Destined. There is great power and momentum here in this moon cycle. Fortunate blessings abound. Unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs in your career and life purpose, are afoot. This magic is hot and fiery, and full of heart-opening joy. 

Lakshmi ~ Bright Future
This card nearly popped out at me from the deck. Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, affluence, beauty and the expansion of your life purpose and mission. The sun radiates behind her and rippled waves of sunshine emanate from her being.  An undeniable reference to Leo. She radiates life-force energy. Elephants signify royalty and her co-rulership with abundant elephant headed deity Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. The pink lotus flower represents divine beauty. Traditional images of Lakshmi picture her with four hands. Her left upper hand stands for dharma or duty. Her left lower hand not shown in this image, is for material wealth. Living your dharma means to live in sync to the laws of nature and your divine destiny. When you do what you love, be prepared to inspire. Right now it feels so easy to shine like the star that you are. After all, we are all made of stardust.  

Have you already begun to make changes across the board in life and in biz? A dear friend of mine shared that she is going on a trip and taking the train for the first time. She also dyed her hair a new color which looks so good on her! It's that kind of moon! I am currently changing everything over, and combining my blog and current website, to a brand new one. I am so excited! More on that. Of course I will keep you in the loop so you can join me at my new magical hub. But I digress as one would in this fiery energy. My rising and moon signs are made of air. Burn baby burn! 

If you are a Virgo like me, or a Gemini, your Mercury is also in Leo. Rising signs count here too. I don't know about you but I have been on fire with ideas and change. I have notebooks open everywhere. One for the current book I am reading "Burning Woman", by Lucy Pearse. It's red. (It's changing my world.) One for my journal. Another one, black for charting my cycles. A smaller pink one I started on the plane during my last trip to Kona. It has a lot of my New Moon and Full Moon ritual lists. My Virgo sistah goddess friend who lives on the Big Island, has been posting facebook pictures non-stop of Hawaii like mad. Thank you Loretta... leading lady at Kona Rock & Mineral, where I use to give readings. You simply must visit her and tell her I sent you. She might give you a read and recommend a special crystal for you. 

Mercury rules communication, ideas, commerce, speaking, siblings and travel. It's time to implement change. There is great potential in your "work" or life purpose now. Astrologers are pointing out that the Leo New Moon will happen at 00 degrees, hovering in the void of creation, the zero point. Make room for super-transformational and long-lasting changes. Ask yourself questions like if I was doing what I really loved, how would I feel? How can I do that now? How can I feel that way now? How can I step up? Let your heart roar with passion and effervescence. Leo rules the heart with pride, regalness, generosity and flair. When a Leo walks into the the room we notice. They usually have great hair! Like a lion's mane, it can be curly, thick, huge, wavy or full, or all of the above. 

Athena ~ Inner Wisdom
She is warrior goddess of courage wisdom, strategy, skill and the arts. The owl, seen with Athena rules seeing the truth, higher wisdom and protection. (Lakshmi is sometimes seen with an owl too.) Her presence here aligns with the courage and protection of Leo lion/lioness energy. As Doreen Virtue says in her Goddess deck that I absolutely love, "...she does battle with wits instead of weapons." Be fierce. A hurricane of white-hot energy is coming through that could change the playing field of your life. Feed your fire. Fan your flames. Where do you shine? Time to step up. It may not feel difficult at all. If you are fearful, you know what to do! Take small steps. Any step is courageous.Taking action is moving forward. I am rooting for you and cheering you along the way. I know you can do it! Walk tall and be proud of who you are. 

Athena's locket sits at her heart. Leo rules the heart. Let the sun into your heart. Let joy in. The north node is your true north. It moved into Leo in the second week of May. I wrote about this in my last oracle card reading. We're on our path to our true north. The south node, ruling your karmic destiny and releasing old patterns, went into Aquarius. Aquarius rules innovation, uniqueness, going against the grain, high-mindedness and the greater good. These are the themes available now for us to work with. It's exciting! It's a brave new world. Be ready to take risks, not crazy ones...but you know what I mean. Reach out to people you want to spend time with. Reach out to people you feel drawn to do business with. Give your card out and keep it with you. Share yourself and your work from the heart. Pursue with heart, passion and play. Just give it a shot. Nervousness is really excitement. More fire to use for the pursuit of your dreams and all that lights you up. 

Light is a big theme of this new moon. Leo is the Sun of the zodiac. Also in the astrological mix is Chiron, the wounded healer. He brings the potential for energetic healing and the healing of our bodies. I believe with every cell of my body, that there is also potential here to heal past lives. As we heal ourselves we heal the ones who came before us. Love this quote from the goddess of all things related to women's health and wellness. If you don't have it yet, get your copy of Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom and her latest Goddesses Never Age. 

"Every woman who heals herself helps all women who came before her, and those who will come after." Christiane Northrup." This goes for our enlightened guys too!

Sunny yellow light emanates from the shoulders of a goddess. Leo light and fire, no doubt. Shut the front door! The bloom on the crown of her head is a pink lotus, seen in the first card. If you are a reader of my blog, you are hip to the crazy-accurate symbolism of these readings. She's being pulled from her heart, up and forward. It's very important now to follow your heart, to heal your heart and let yourself be loved. Your Higher Power loves you. It is love and you are love's child. 

You can safely release attachment to outcomes while continuing to keep your ultimate goals in mind. Just keep going. Move forward. This moon's medicine may just be the kind of shift to completely shake off something you are having a hard time letting go of. A **safely** performed new moon fire ritual is a must! 

This new moon can bring the possibility of new relationships! Feeling like it's time to explore dating again? Be open to strutting your beautiful self. This moon could make you get a tattoo or do something you might regret. Think on it a bit. You might feel the throws of passion. Let them burn a bit before you jump in.

The energy is inspiring and on fire for this moon phase. In my Facebook LIVE broadcast I officially announced that I'm creating a magical sisterhood. I'll be talking about all things mystical like Feng Shui tips, intuition, goddesses and more, as well as regular Facebook LIVE broadcasts. It's going to be easy to join and be part of the tribe! Launch time will be sometime around the end of August/September. This is something I have wanted to create and share for awhile. I'll let you know when we have the circle in place for you to come join us. 

I LOVE to give these readings! As always I am here for you. Chat me up on Facebook Join my mailing list or talk to me in the comments below. Feel free to share this reading with your friends and with anyone who may need it! This is a general new moon oracle card reading. If you need personal attention and and in-depth session, don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

*Oracle cards: Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue, Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

May the New Moon bless you in profound and amazing ways and rock your world!

ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
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