Harvest Full Moon In Aries: Be Fierce & Believe in Yourself ~ Oct. 5th 2017 www.tatianascavnicky.com

I just had to use this image because it reminds of the iconic movie Practical Magic...my favorite movie! Called the Blood Moon, Witches Moon or Harvest Moon, this lumination carries us into a magical season. Whether free-falling into high color and the hopes of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, or flying the broom into Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, magic is afoot! 

Breakdowns bring breakthroughs. And there very well may be some on the way. This Aries Full Moon is all about  passionate intensity, freedom, innovation and profound emotional release. Get ready to give birth. The babe of the zodiac is impulsive and brand new, but full of life and sees possibility everywhere. Innovation is in the eye of the beholder, and Aries' visionary force flies high and holy-hot above the rest. Ramming down the past, caring nothing for how things should be, but for how they can be. Or, how Aries wants them to be.  

Full moons are for releasing. The cards reveal synchronicity once again!! A full moon hangs low and heavy, milking the earth with light. "You will release", it seems to say and "I will make sure of it." Her headdress of antlers are not horns, but they sure do echo the charge of Aries. Clothes barely on, the image says throw caution to the wind and go for it, to the nth degree. It doesn't matter for all is forever changing. Through the fire we walk. Through the fire we are cleansed and purified. Through the fire we cut our teeth, sharpen our skills and grow mighty. 

Tempers will flare. Potential for arguments and saying way too much is likely. Careful not to have to take back something cruel and insensitive said in a fit of anger and hurt. We want to express ourselves and let our feelings be known. You might feel mysteriously compelled to say what you've been holding in. It could come out fast and furious. You might want to check and see where the anger is coming from. 

Since the Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse there has been acceleration of how quickly we can manifest, but also how quickly we can burn out. You may have felt like you are burning the candle at both ends...but your candles have long long wicks, and never ending wax. 

You might feel restless and overwhelmed for the next few ways and not know for sure why. A feeling like you have to tend to things and get them done. And then the flip side, entering into a new paradigm of I can't control and manage everything. Give into letting go. That is a powerful choice too.

Our minds will feel as if they are on fire during this phase. Aries is irreverent and reckless. The first sign and baby of the zodiac gives birth to new ideas, concepts and dreams, paying no mind to how things have been. Adventuresome Aries embodies freedom and innovation. They are the mavericks of the zodiac, creating something amazing from nothing. 

It sure has felt like we are on the move with feverish intensity since August's cosmic eclipse, aware of all that has to change in the world, aware that the change is within. I don't know about you, but it's been super hard to be peaceful right now and just hang loose. It's more like we are hanging hot and ready to launch. I have heard of so many of my people just crazily-committed to moving forward, no matter what it takes. It feels very much like a new moon because we want a fresh start, and we want it fast. There is no perfectionism to this full moon. Invent first. Details and shifts later. Don't let perfectionism stand in the way of what you want to do. If this is a block for you. I see you moving forward and doing what you love, and checking things off your list. I can help you with that. 

Are you feeling an energy surge? You may feel it's time to really start pursuing your passions and creativity, related to your life purpose and mission, or simply what really turns you on. Relationships get this surge as well. Accepting others points of view goes a long way under this illumination. Tone can be triggering. Choose your words wisely. If you have been accused of bad tone as I have (not in my singing of course) this could be one of those things you want to release under this full moon. 

Can we accept the fire in others and in ourselves?  Can we use it to not burn up, and channel it to burn brightly what we are creatively bringing into the world? This is the perfect time to start a project and begin! Whether it's an idea that's been simmering, that won't leave you alone, or a brand new venture. You can do it! 

If you feel like a desert tumbleweed blowing in the wind, try to settle down and take a few deep breaths. Oct. 5th's Harvest Moon which usually happens in September, marks the beginning of a new cycle. We cannot deny how intricately we are connected to these cycles of beginnings and endings. Oya is the most powerful of the African goddesses. She rules the weather: tornadoes, lightning, rain storms and fire. She is also associated with the Celtic Fire goddess named the Catholic Saint Brigit. Her color is wine, perfectly fitting for the season. Her sacred number is 9. The number 9 is the number of endings, and endings are always new beginnings. I can't help but feel her presence here reflects the natural disasters and turmoil alive on the planet. The circles remind me of hurricanes. 

She comes to tell that change is inevitable. Harvest and take note of what you accomplished so far for the year. Look at the goals you accomplished and the things you are proud of. You know what's good for you. Yes you do. Refine and let go of the things you thought you wanted. Leave them behind with the full moon. Decide what you will let go of that isn't in alignment with you, or healthy for you and even those around you. The circles in Oya's card symbolize the things we will put our energy and time into, and what we should ultimately leave behind. So if you have been burning the candle at both ends, and feel pulled and stretched too thin, I hope you take some time to nurture yourself. I can relate to how you are feeling. On the one hand we are happy and grateful to be juggling things near and dear to us, and on the other we need to lay back sometimes. One of my most important intentions is being more settled. We are in the sign of Libra right now astrologically so balance is possible. Even 30 minutes, or a 15 minute pause can do wonders.

Oya also rules resolving conflicts with grace and charm, and feminine leadership we so need right now. I feel us calling this in. Harness this Harvest Full Moon energy for yourself. It's powerfully charged for releasing, forgiving and starting over. Full moons are for forgiving, which means you let it go for your sake, rather than carry resentment and pain. It doesn't make it right or ok, especially if someone has really done a number on you and hurt you. It's wonderful if they have apologized and turned over a new leaf so to speak. If they have not, refuse to be the bearer of that heavy weight and f'n move on! Yes you will still hurt sometimes. A movie will touch a sensitive thread, or something someone says stirs an echo from your past. But my dear remember... your beautiful eyes show the great depth and beauty from all that you have been through until now. They reflect the story of your soul. And I can see you shining all the way over here...

Again and again I am continually amazed at the synchronicities and divine order of these card readings. I am always intrigued and delightfully happy to be sharing this work with you. 

Moonbeams of Love & Full Moon Magic, 
*Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley, The Goddess Deck ~ Amy Sophia Marashinsky
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  1. Thank you, it all makes sense to me now <3

    1. Hello Laura. Yes this one is intense! Lots of Love my Mystic Goddess. Xo

  2. Awesome T! Everything is falling into place! New home, new relationship :)
