Take The Intuition Test~ How Do You Get Your Guidance?

The Intuition Test
What's your Intuitive Style? Did you know you are already using your intuition all the time and in a certain wayRead: 5 Ways Your Intuition Already Speaks To You HERE You may be a visual person or sensitive person, or both. You have a definite style that can help you unlock your intuitive power

For each example choose a, b, c, or d.
Example One: You've just read a book.

A. Were you inspired by its deep thoughts, interesting facts, or concepts? Were you delighted with all you learned, wanting to learn more?

B. Did the characters outfits and fashion sense of the time period appeal to you? Were you struck by the descriptions of the environment such as the flowers, buildings and landscape and you could see it all so clearly?

C. Were the character's voices so real to you it was easy to hear what they would sound like? Did you find yourself right there with the characters as if you could hear them in their world? 

D. Did you feel what the other characters felt, empathizing with them? Were you moved to tears or did you laugh? Did you want to be friends with a character in a book or feel deeply protective? Did you wonder what it would be like if it happened to you?

Example Two: What do you do when you meet someone?

A. Wonder how you can work together or what you have in common? Do you easily connect to people of the same interests? Do you find yourself impressed by what they know and feel inspired to read up the information you've shared?

B. Do you enjoy how people put their outfits together and point out colors they are wearing? Are you guilty of looking people up and down because you are taking them in visually? Do you notice their teeth or what kind of glasses they are wearing?

C. Are you engaged by people's voices and how they sound? Do you notice the ups and downs of their voice and the tone, whether it's rich or thin? Are you tuned into the sounds of the environment when you meet them?

D. Do you say I have a “feeling” about him or her? Do you get comfortable after sensing a person is genuine or follow your bad vibes about staying away from a person? Is it important for you to trust your friends? Do you prefer fitting in with those you work with and enjoy the safety?

Example Three: You are choosing a pet.

A. You are fascinated by the breed of cat you've chosen. Research is definitely in order as to the origins of your pet's breed. You are aware of all the specific traits of your cat as it relates to it's breed.

B. Are you in love with how handsome or beautiful your cat is? Do you love the color of it's eyes and it's coat? Have you given it a name because of how it looks, or because it looks like a character or like another pet you had?

C. Does your pet have the cutest meow and it melts your heart every time you hear it? Are you in tune with the noises it makes and what that means it wants? Do you have conversations with your pet and respond to pitch changes of it's voice when it talks?

D. Are you and your pet the best of friends? Are in love with your cat? Do you get overwhelmed with feelings of love and adoration for it and consider it your furry child? Does it make you happy to spend time with your cat and you look forward to cuddle or play time with it?

Example Four: You've spent the weekend with friends, what did you like about their house and your stay?

A. It was thrilling to be in a historic neighborhood. Your friends took you to interesting places historically connected to where they lived. Were you fascinated by the type of house it was? Or the interesting things that happened in the house in the past?

B. Were you inspired to re-decorate your house the way your friends decorated theirs? Did you love the style of the furnishings and colors? Were you super-comfortable in their home because of the colors and architecture?

C. Did you love the sounds of the house at night or how the stairs creaked when you walked on them? Were the sounds of the neighborhood soothing? Will you always remember how the crickets sang while sitting outside with your friends? Perhaps the sound of the ocean, or a distant train blowing as you fell asleep will remain forever etched in your memory.

D. Are you getting new furniture because the couch and chairs in your hosts home were so deliciously comfortable? Were you in love with the feel of the fabrics and textures? Or the guest towels and bathrobes they had for you to use? Did you love the way your guests welcomed you and how they made you feel during your stay? Perhaps you now feel closer to them having so enjoyed their company.
  • Mostly A answers indicate you get you guidance from thoughts and ideas that seem to just pop into your head. You thrive on intellectual information and need mental stimulation. You assume everyone knows certain things about interesting topics. Not really needing directions, you easily put together gadgets and small appliances seeming to know how it all fits together. This is called clair- cognizance. You have light bulb moments and see whole and complete pictures of ideas.
  • Mostly B answers show a highly visual person informed by signs in the environment. You notice visual signs such as number sequences and flocks of birds. Subjects such as astrology and numerology interest you. Visual and vivid and sometimes prophetic dreams are telling of a clairvoyant person. Clairvoyant simply means clear seeing or clear-sight.
  • Mostly C answers indicate a clair-audient guidance system, meaning clear hearing. Pay attention to thoughts that you hear that seem to come from a voice inside or outside your head. You are sensitive to loud noises and are easily distracted by hearing wrong notes in music, or high and shrill voices. You must have quiet time but also enjoy comforting and friendly noise filled rooms. Clair-audients may like to fall asleep to a certain type of noise or absolutely no noise at all.

  • Mostly D answers make you highly sensitive to the emotions, feelings and even physical symptoms of others. You may easily get sick in a toxic environment or feel overwhelmed in big supermarkets, factories and shopping malls. Clair-sentience is a quality of em paths, people who easily “feel” others. They “feel out” people, places and things and rely heavily how they feel around people to determine whether they can trust someone or a situation. Extremely sensitive clair-sentients may even get agitated and anxious as a fore-telling of major disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes or human tragedy. 

    You may find you have mostly "a" and "c" answers or  different combinations. Those would be your stronger intuitive senses. It's normal to have more than one that opens the door to the rest. 

    Do you want to know more how you get your guidance? How does it feel for it to be more clear about your intuition style? Check out my Ignite Your Intuition Superpower Series for more on your intuition.

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