August Full Blue Moon: The Fire Of Creativity & Chrysalis of Transformation

A Full Blue Moon will light up our sky tomorrow, August 20th. I wore a really sexy and "I feel beautiful" kind of dress to the supermarket yesterday. I don't always wear goddess threads to the market, but it felt right. Now I know why..

The Full Moon will be in the sign of Leo and Aquarius, my moon, making tomorrow's moon drip streams of creative magic. I've felt super compelled to be "out there" and express myself creatively clothes as I mentioned. 

I feel alive, open hearted and in touch with the forces of nature.

And it just hit me that I put on my moon necklace to lay out in the sun with today; sun and moon together. This is my moon pendant below.


Cathy Pagano writes:
“Leo is the power of fire, of spirit, of creativity.  Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates;fire symbolizes purification and transformation.  The alchemical fires transform our consciousness, opening us to deeper insights and wider understanding.

This explains the confidence I feel, and my need lately, since the last Full Moon in July in the sign of Leo, to blog, vlog, write and sing. It's beyond amazing to think how inextricably linked we are to Mother Earth and our Universe. And the word alchemical lights up a mythical firecrackers inside me.

Here is some juicy star history. The Full Moon falls on Regulus, a Royal Persian Star considered to be one of guardians of the 4 corners of Heaven. Aldebaron, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut were said to have  archangelic powers. They mark the seasonal changes of the equinoxes and the solstices.

I LOVE this next part!!

When the Sun is on Regulus, it bestows power, authority and honor to those worthy of them.  So let us be worthy to take on our own authority in the world.  Let us own our inner Queen and inner King.  Cathy Pagano

Aquarius is all about the higher order of things to benefit humanity, but with ingenuity, uniqueness and creative flair. This mix falling on the Blue Moon causes us to consider very deeply what we are here to do on the planet, and how our gifts and talents can change the world, lifting the hearts and minds of humanity. Deep passion is at work here and a sense of recommitting against all barriers to good and finding a way. 

Aquarius is the maverick, the "out of the box" thinker who cares nothing for fakeness and superficiality. It melts higher order and purpose with freedom of spirit, art and creativity. 

I recommend acknowledging the Blue Full Moon somehow. It doesn't have to be somber or serious. I say dance party under the moon! Make it magical. Free yourself and let go. New pathways are afoot. Surrender and expect that the good you want to see in the world is falling down over you like much needed rain and go after your gold.

For Full Moon Music I recommend: 
*Full Moon & August Moon Meditation Music ~ Mark Watson streaming now  for quieter or pre/post-dance party.

*Firework ~Katy Perry for dance party!!

*Air Water Fire Earth ~yours truly
streaming now just for you... dance party.

If you desire guided meditations check out: 
*Rhiannon Crystal Cave Manifestation Session

*Atlantean Healing Crystal Healing Bed Meditation

Let loose under this full moon. Be bold, sensual and creative. Release your worry, it's reversed prayer. Let go of who and what you thought your life would look like, and where you think you should be and connect with something way bigger. Aquarius engenders inspiration and inspires the "one who inspires". Know that your talents were divinely given and you are the "maker" of how you will live and spend your life. You get to say this is what I truly want to do and I will beat my own drum. Tomorrow's Full Blue Moon is an ideal opportunity to re-connect with your life's passion and rock it. Leo's Sun brings confidence and authority to claim your kingdoms and queendoms. 

Use your powers for good...

 A happy little sorceress,

XoTatiana ☪*`*•✧✧✰

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