MUST-HAVES ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ : Health & Wellness

Seems like this is a no-brainer right? Everyone wants wellness. Do you know that person who hardly sleeps, never works out, eats whatever they want...meat, fast food, sweets, and junk food but they look like they just got back from a spa vacation? You would be surprised how many people don't care about wellness at all. I do and that's why it's this week's MUST-Have ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ

I've had many people ask me to share my health and lifestyle tips. So this is a little peak into what I do. I am not a doctor or health coach, but someone who is ga-ga and kinda obsessed over living well and feeling good.

As a Virgo Sun, Gemini-Rising, my mind is active and always running. It's a good thing when it comes to ideas, creativity and getting things accomplished, once I make up my mind there is no stopping me. But I am a type A and highly empathic and prone to anxiety. Being empathic which means it's really easy to pick up the moods and feelings of others. It's a great trait to have, especially for an intuitive reader and coach like me, but it's easy to get burned out. A wellness practice brings me back into balance.

I think wellness is about attention to mind, body and spirit, it's all connected. It started for me with working out and fitness. I've always been driven to work-out. I am not advocating working-out but sharing "my" MUST-Have  for wellness. I've read and agree that for Virgos, their body is their temple and being fit and eating well are common traits. Bang-on for me. 

When I discovered yoga and meditation, I was able to tap into the mind and spiritual aspect more. I wish I was a yogini but it's just not in my cards to be up before 6 a.m. to do sunrise yoga. I practice as much as I can which is about 1-2 times a week. I am excited to share I found a free month of online yoga with myyogaworks!I subscribe to a few wellness newsletters to stay fresh and MindBodyGreen is offering this great perk. Check it out!

I like that yoga combines mind, body and spirit sparking a whole lifestyle shift. Yoga can turn a meat eater into vegetarian and night owl into an a.m. sunrise worshiper. 
Note: this has not happened to me and most likely never will. 

I may not do yoga everyday, but I meditate daily and just finished a 40 day meditation challenge. I highly recommend meditating and going into meditation when things get cray-cray crazy. When you bring the stress and issues to the quiet part within you, you can get answers and fast track your way to resolving them, or having them resolved whichever way you look at it. My meditation practice helps me manage being empathetic. It can keep your energy high-vibratin' baby as well as millions of other perks like increased concentration, lower stress levels, higher intuition, reduced anxiety and it has been known to be a wrinkle reducer eradicating the 11's (the wrinkles between your eyebrows). Studies suggest it can can reduce inflammation, blood pressure and stress hormone levels, and it can increase immunity and create calmness. 

Studies show that meditation is associated with improvement in a variety of psychological areas, including stress, anxiety, addiction, depression, eating disorders and cognitive function, among others. There's also research to suggest that meditation can reduce blood pressure, pain response, stress hormone levels and even cellular health. ~Meredith Melnick

Yogi Bhajan, a ma-jor kundalini spiritual teacher named one of the 5 sutras or spiritual truths to be, "there is a way out of every block." Now come back to me in a few minutes and let 
that sink in. My type-A peeps are already back. I don't do kundalini yoga either but I know a few people who do and they have a peace and shiny light that beams from meeting at 4 a.m. for devotion and reams of kundalini meditations. 

I can't change the past no matter how much I've meditated. I have had to take back many, many things said in anger. A reputable astrologer once told me one of the things I have to learn in this lifetime is to not explode like a volcano, which is how she described my astrological chart. I'd like to think I am better at keeping my cool, but I know this will be a lifelong challenge for me. I do wish in the past I was better at communication and handling my feelings, but I really was doing the best I could at that time.

“When you know better you do better.”― Maya Angelou

So the whole spiritual mind, body, and fitness thing is like my medication. And for this Virgo and a large majority of the rest of my Virgo tribe, being fit and health conscious helps us master our environments. I have no concept of what my life would be like without the pursuit and maintenance of wellness. The striving of it keeps me wanting more and young. 

When I grow up I want to be just like her. Fabulous!!!

Do it in your blender
I love to juice and make smoothies as part of being well! You really don't even have to have a juicer, you can use your blender for juicing and smoothies. Check out my blueberry cheesecake smoothie recipe.

1 c frozen or fresh blueberries or other kinds, preferably organic.

1/2 to 1 c plain preferably organic & rsbt free yogurt
1/2 to 1 c rice, almond, or soy milk.
1-2 scoops rice or other protein powder
Add water for desired thickness.

*All amounts are approximate subject to taste and preference.

*For sweetness add stevia but if you want it to taste more like cheesecake lose the sweetener.

*And... 3 surprisingly simple good-for-you drinks

Feed the wellness dragon or fitness fairy breathing within you on a regular basis. Feed him or her lots of good water, fresh fruits and veggies, get outdoors and move your body. Follow what feels right to you, and leave the rest. I can tell you the more time and attention you devote to your dragons and fairies, you'll be rewarded. 

Spoiler ALERT: Take it slow. Have you been around someone who has just quit smoking, stopped eating sugar and started exercising?

Happy Monday

Blueberry loving Virgo goddess,


*Make sure all health and wellness changes inc. exercise and diet are approved by your doctor.

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