RGTatianaTv: The Full Ignite Your Creativity Series ~ 5 Vlogs

Ignite Your Creativity VLOG #1
3 Steps to Ignite Your Creative Star Power!

Are you waiting to be inspired? Do you procrastinate and leave creative projects unfinished? The Creative Series will take the mystery out of being creative and give you tools to finish your projects.

 "I Will" single releases are available on my MUSIC Page.

How do you get creative? What creative blocks are you experiencing? Talk to me in the comments below.

Ignite Your Creativity Series VLOG #2 
Your Creative Genius

More tips to inspire your creative genius and why "writer's block" or a "creative block" is not real.  We become more magnetic and inspired simply by showing up and allowing ourselves to be a channel for creativity.

I'd like to hear what you do to tune into the creative flow? What are your creative rituals or methods to share? Share your creative mojo tips below...

Ignite Your Creativity Series VLOG #3

Creative Biz Tips for heart-based entrepreneurs who have taken their life purpose and passion and made it their biz.

Ignite Your Creativity Series VLOG #4
Shine Your Light!

Amazing and wonderful things happen when you align with that part of you that is "the Divine" coming through, your Star Power! Your light beams effortlessly when you do what you love and when you bring love into what you do. Watch your life do a "180" when you decide to step into the big  LIGHT that you are!

Ignite Your Creativity Series #5
Just Show Up!

In this Vlog I talk about what to do when your ego gets in the way and what can happen when we surrender and "just show up" to our creative projects and endeavors.  I love this sutra, one of 5 spiritual concepts boiled down into one sentence from Yogi Bhajan for the Aquarian Age.

It helps me when I'm stalling...even when it's time to film the weekly RGTatianaTv episode. Once I commit, and ask for guidance on what to teach, the ideas flow like rain along with ideas for future episodes and it's so easy.

"When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off." 
Yogi Bhajan

What do you do to get back in the creative flow? What does your ego try to talk you into not doing?

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