Virgo Full Moon Oracle Card Reading~March 16th 2014

Full Moon Rising in Virgo, a moon after my own heart. Originally we were known as women who belonged to no man. A Virgo woman was considered sovereign belonging completely to herself. says Virgos were "...priestesses who dedicated their lives to the Goddess. These priestesses were not “virgin” in the modern meaning of chaste or sexually inexperienced. Quite the opposite – these Virgins were the sacredly sexual temple priestesses..." 

Under the Full Moon light, consider where you might be too hard on yourself. When you are being critical, what exactly do you say to yourself? What are the beliefs running the show? What changes have you been really wanting to make?

Pisces reigning watery and mystical energy creates the beautiful opportunity to connect with your spirituality, intuition and quiet inner guidance. 

Typically Virgos are seen as critical and obsessed with health. Acknowledge the structures, routines and practices that keep you balanced and well now. Don't let others opinions about how you live your life, or how you take care of yourself have any effects on you. You know what to do. This Virgo Full Moon honors the emergence of the Divine Feminine in you, and on this plane. Allow the flow of support and what you need to come to you, as well as taking action (masculine). 

Oracle Card #1~the Past: Sexuality
Passion...your Divinely-Born talents, gifts and abilities are seeds of magic within you waiting to be born. The Divine-Feminine Goddess expresses through allowing, receiving, waiting, watching, and Divining. The beginning of the year was about knowing there were changes ahead for us all, and for many who do what they love for a living. Something deeper called. The blue vase in card #1 represents waiting, Divining and new beginnings...knocking at the doors of our intuitive hearts. The orange-gold color speaks to emerging creativity, the almost yellow tones reflecting upcoming guided action taken beginning to literally manifest into reality.

Oracle Card #2~the Present: Kick Up Your Heels
The rainbow says there is a pot of gold, your ideas will be made manifest if you so desire. The water here reflects the ideas surfacing from your intuition and from very deep inside. Water coming down from the waterfall, and water below suggest to be in the flow of it all, and be in the in the NOW. Have fun! There is more to life than work, work, work.
Unicorns legend states that only a young pure female could cause a unicorn to appear and be seen. The young & pure essence here represents Virgo symbolism, despite Virgo's original zodiac meaning mentioned earlier. Your ideas and dreams await, ripe with possibility to be made manifest. Unicorns also symbolize dreams, childhood and innocence which connects to being joyful and in the here and now... while creating the future.

Oracle Card #3~the Future: Making New Friends
The opportunities that have fallen apart are for the better. It's now time to completely clear the slate for new friends, business partners, opportunities, adventures, alliances, ways of being...accept total newness. You might ask, as much as I really want a brand new start that feels like one, not a forced fake-it-till-you-make-it, or act-as-if program, how can I truly feel reborn and reign my king or queendom? It sounds cliche but it's time to f'in let go. 

Here are five ways F'n let go and activate the magic within this pivotal time.

As mentioned above find the key practices that are fundamental to your well-being. 

Focus only the task at hand. Tackle one thing at a time, even daily tasks around the home. This frees up mental space in the head.

Take on a daily practice such a meditation, doctor-approved exercise, yoga or dancing. Dancing is joyful exercise! Virgo's discipline speaks to a cultivating a deeper nature within through a spiritual practice. Lean into doing what is good for you.

Do a Full Moon Ritual 3 days before or after the Moon's rising for manifestation. Get my easy Full Moon Ritual HERE 

 Full Moon's are for releasing. Do a Full Moon Meditation as your ritual. 

I recommend these meditations...

Kuan Yin for releasing relationships, traumas and resentment from the past.

Rhiannon's Crystal Cave Manifestation for just that.

Atlantean Healing for Energy Realignment and Renewal.

Beach Getaway for a mini-virtual vacation.

2014 Meditation Tool-Kit~all of meditations at your finger-tips.

I welcome your comments and wonder how this Full Moon is feeling for you?

Your Virgo Goddess,


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